New member... What stand up should I buy?


Freelance Smartass
I thought maybe it was for storing a huge dildo in . . . . . . .

Then I noticed the one standing upright in the tray, so I guess that's not it !



Just SJBri = no more XP
Northern, NJ

Anyone know if he used a special freestyle sharpie marker to write his registration numbers on his hull?
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Rider Mod Needed
Catfish, NC
I guess since I succeeded in get this thread completely OT I will try to help answer your question. Since you are just starting out more that likely you will be looking for a good all around recreational ski. True? That means a ski that has a decent top speed, will turn decently, jump waves, and you can learn basic tricks on it. The 750s and 800s turn better than an SJ and the 800 has a better top speed. Other than that the SJ out performs the Kawasakis in everything else. I would suggest you buy an SJ now and learn to ride. It will always be a great rec ski and there is a ton of room to grow as a freestyle ski. If you decide you like racing and turning better, the SJ holds its value very well and you will not loose much or any money if you sell in favor of a 800SXR.

Just my $0.02
Sorry guys, I bought a 1994 Kaw 750sx... It's seemed clean for a 1994... and the price seemed decent, I took a compression guage after reading other posts other than this one:).... both had 150. The carb was rebuilt this year and seals and ring rebuild done last year. It started right up. It came with a nice trailer. I paid 1600 for the combo, the guy said the trailer was actually a 2 place trailer.

This model has oil injection, also from reading on this site, it appears a lot of people don't like oil injection. What do I need to do to delete the oil injection so I can premix my fuel?


Rider Mod Needed
Catfish, NC
You will need to buy a oil pump block off plate. If you look down the front of the engine you will see the little pump. Just unbolt it and put the plate in its place. Make sure you cap the inlet on the intake and you are ready for premix.

Congrats on the buy. Let the fun begin.
Thank you.... any tips on these ski's... Seems like you like old school Kaw's stand up's...

You will need to buy a oil pump block off plate. If you look down the front of the engine you will see the little pump. Just unbolt it and put the plate in its place. Make sure you cap the inlet on the intake and you are ready for premix.

Congrats on the buy. Let the fun begin.
Winona MN
So what is so much better about the superjets? And what cc's do they come in i have been looking for one on craigslist and ebay and there real hard to find. I live in SE corner of MN.

sxi steve

Life's short, have fun.
Clinton Twp, MI

I currently ride a Kawasaki 750SXI Pro and like it. I always rode Kaws for some reason. The next one will be a Superjet (to diversify) for my 11 year olds son if he get's into jetskiing when he is of age. He is a fisherman nutcase right now, eeek, :rolleyes: well see. I'd say purchasing either a Kaw or a Yami, you'll be having a great time! :biggthumpup:


Rider Mod Needed
Catfish, NC
Thank you.... any tips on these ski's... Seems like you like old school Kaw's stand up's...
Does the ski have any mods? A scoop grate, impeller of choice, and 0* bars would be a great start. Remember to let the ski do all the work. A lot of beginners wear themselves out trying to work to hard. Other than that my only tip is get out there and ride. The more you do the better you get.
He said it has a "west coast ride plate", claimed it was grooved or something to make it handle better? I can honestly say I don't know anything about stand ups... but I am reading on this forum as much as time permits... I have jet ski fever....

Does the ski have any mods? A scoop grate, impeller of choice, and 0* bars would be a great start. Remember to let the ski do all the work. A lot of beginners wear themselves out trying to work to hard. Other than that my only tip is get out there and ride. The more you do the better you get.
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sxi steve

Life's short, have fun.
Clinton Twp, MI

Good job on the find and nice ride! First mods: turn plate, handlebar, grips, and chinpad, IMO. And grate, rideplate, prop. Now you're all set. Oh, you can keep your thumb throttle. :rolleyes: Hey, I'm old school, been riding since 1988. Most guys have finger throttle. I can ride both throttles, I just feel better with thumb. :biggthumpup:
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What octane fuel should I run with this ski? I filled it up with middle grade octane, 89, should I run premium fuel, midgrade or low 87? I figured I couldn't go wrong with mid grade... but let me know, if I need to dump it, I will....
I never run less than high test in any of my toys..... for some it's because I have to (raised compression) and the others just because..... with exception to my jet boat, that thing kills gas so it gets the cheap drink.
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