New to jet skiing

:newbie: Hey! I have never owned a jet ski and have only ridden on a stand up when I was little on someone elses ski. I am selling my dirtbikes because I got kind of tired from getting hurt all the time. Theres things I would try on a ski that I would never try on a dirtbike. So, Im looking to buy a stand up, and a used one. It will probably be inbetween 1990 and 2000. Im looking to spend 1000 max (Maybe a little bit more). I was looking at Kawasaki 550, 650 and 750 sx skis but I dont know which one to choose. Any advice for me?
First question is Surf or freshwater? And are you looking to do mostly freestyle or course racing?

I dont know yet. Probably both. I need to practice though :p I'll probably just ride around on the delta and get some practice jumping off of other people's wakes. But when I get experienced I would like to do some races, and go to the beach just for fun.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
X2, 750 SX/SXI or a Square nose. I'd take the Square or X2 over the 650 SX. The I haven't ridden the 750SX but I would image it'd make a good ski. Obviously a SX-R, blaster or Round nose are going to take a larger investment.
Square nose withe a 701 would be a good choice to get started. You can always mod it to fit whatever riding style you wish.

exactly... a squarenose is the only budget ski i would reccomend. or if you can find a good deal on an fx-1.
as long as the squarenose has a 701, you can dump money into mods and if you wanna have a newer roundnose in the future you can just throw the 701 in a roundnose hull. do not get a 550/650.
I will agree with everyone else... you most definitely want a Yamaha with a 701 motor. The round nose superjets are from 96 and up that would be the best but you won't find one for that budget.

But if you only want to ride around and watch other people do tricks the old 550 and 650 kawasakis would be what you want.
Thanks for the help guys... Soooo, I basically want a ski that is speedy so I can compete in races and events. But, I also want one where I can have some fun on it in the ocean. I wont do competetive freestyling but if I get crazy I wanna be able to do some stunts for fun. So I can stick with a square nose, but have nothing less han a 701?

I may be able to go above 1k for a budget though... Im not entirely sure yet. Lets say my budget is 2k max. What will that get me?
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Im having some trouble finding info on a square nose superjet. Can you guys point me in the direction of a good site to look at some? I tried looking through craigslist and google but I cant find any specifics. Im taking your advice and going with the square nose superjet with a 701.
im in san jose and I have a square nose superjet for sale pretty cheap. it has a 650 in it though.

Hmmm.. It sounds nice, but I need to do some more research. Thank you for informing though. I will definately give it thought.

Tell me what you think about this guys. Its a 94 superjet with a 701 and a square nose for 2100.
Heres the link.

Even better.
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I will agree with everyone else... you most definitely want a Yamaha with a 701 motor. The round nose superjets are from 96 and up that would be the best but you won't find one for that budget.

But if you only want to ride around and watch other people do tricks the old 550 and 650 kawasakis would be what you want.

Lol, what do you mean watch? the 550s and 650s arent capable of doing tricks?
nope. hehehehe

lol, why? Thats where I'm confused :p

Im just not having much luck finding square nosed 701 superjets for under 2000. I may have to get a 550 or 650. Which is cool. Im a beginner, so a ski is a ski. I just dont want to be ski shopping a couple years down the road when I'm more experienced and need a new ski to fit my freestyling/racing needs. I would prefer to have a ski that is good for my beginning stage, that will also be suitable for intermediate/more experienced stages.

If it comes down to a 550 or 650, I would really appreciate some advice on how to maintain and upgrade the ski. I've always liked those 550s anyways. My friend has one and I love the sound and looks :)
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