New Waterdawg Footholds

I thought that all of this might stay on the other site. Submarine, please don't deteriorate this thread with pages and pages your typing. We understand that you don't like his company or his business practices. Got it. No need to go further. The search function will give all the previous discussions that a perspective buyer could possibly want to read. Disclaimer: I am neither for or against WK. Please just let it be.:biggrin:
Thank you


Dollar Ballerina
freestyleuneducatedriverrat said:
If it was not a great part (design or construction) I would not be throwing myself out there to praise his stuff. I am just trying to the bust stigma placed on him by other people. As far as I am concerned your coments have fallen upon def ears b/c all the people in this post have delt w/ Jeff and have one of his products so make their mine up for themselves.

Hey thanks for proving my assessment true. You were "throwing yourself out there" from the getgo on just because Jeff talked to you on the phone! Are you really that lonely? I think I know who eats the cracker every time.

"I called and Jeff actually answered the phone!"

"I sent Jeff and email and he replied!"

"I ordered a product and Jeff actually shipped it!"

These are glowing reviews? Just who do you people do business with?

It's sad that after over 6 years in business Jeff has to resort to shipping products without advance payment because he cannot garner praise otherwise.
I'm betting there are some frustrated people on this forum who haven't voiced their concern over people getting their small fry footholds why big ticket items are long overdue.

Boris: don't worry, I'll educate you soon enough. But would you agree that it might be nice if Jeff made good on orders placed over a year ago before shipping you new products? Oh wait, he ASSUMES those people don't want their stuff anymore. He likes to assume that alot, sort of like assuming people like the salvage company who brought up his F1 Pro for him didn't want to be paid.

One question: What is the ratio to Waterdawg built hulls still afloat to those that were salvaged? Is 80% afloat a good track record? Some sink for lack of foam, some for the hoods coming off. Design flaw maybe? So much for bulletproof.

NEXT WATERDAWG PRODUCT: the H.E.L.P. (Helping Eunuchs Locate Pieceof********) it's a strobe beacon released upon sinkage. Don't leave shore without it!


The Good Old Days
Boris: don't worry, I'll educate you soon enough. But would you agree that it might be nice if Jeff made good on orders placed over a year ago before shipping you new products? Oh wait, he ASSUMES those people don't want their stuff anymore. He likes to assume that alot, sort of like assuming people like the salvage company who brought up his F1 Pro for him didn't want to be paid.


not knowing the whole story and only going of what you have stated, I would have to agree. It would be nice and orders should be filled in the order they were received.
In many cases small items or items that are taking up shelf space will get shipped out before items that are still being produced maybe that's why I already have my footholds.
I would also agree that "over a year" is rather an extreme amount of time to wait for any product. That is unless we are talking about the Hope Diamond in which case I would gladly wait a year to receive that stone.

I have nothing against you Submarine, I am new to the stand up side of the pond and it's dramas. My little "P.S." thing was intended to be a little stress relief and I must admit that I did get a chuckle out of it.

Meanwhile,... back at the ranch.

I put the footholds in today. Found out that my resin container was empty so I couldn't glass them in. Instead, I just screwed them in with some drywall screws for now.
I hope I can score the materials needed to finish the job in the morning so I can ride my ski in a whole new way.

I did a dry run with the ski on a stand and the nose elevated in as close to normal riding position as possible and the holds felt great.
Must have looked stupid standing on a ski reving it like crazy, pretending to be a freestyle super hero buy since no one was around I didn't care at all.

I have 2 weeks before Sebastian so I better start ordering the turf, scupper and foam.


The Good Old Days
Hi Submarine :Banane19:

I hear you are having some slight issues with WD.:rocketwhore:

I better get some turf on my tray ASAP.
It's way to slippery without it and I'm afraid of wiping out while trailer surfing.
Now that would be a "Polak" moment.:bigeyes:


Dollar Ballerina
For Darin:
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Anyone that cares to can do a search for Submarine's posts on the subject. Unless there is new information I really see no need to re-hash the same things over and over and over on this site.
PS spare me the "you don't have to read it" BS



I had a vision!
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s florida
For Darin:

Cool, now that charlie is gone, we have sub to keep the entertainment alive!:woot: :woot: :arms:


Speak up ,don't kiss azz
When did Charlie get banned .I'm glad I got my KVPS finger throttle before he got banned .And it's brand new looking .

Charlie always says what a lot of people are thinking and won't say it .:biggthumpup:
One question: What is the ratio to Waterdawg built hulls still afloat to those that were salvaged? Is 80% afloat a good track record? Some sink for lack of foam, some for the hoods coming off. Design flaw maybe? So much for bulletproof.

NEXT WATERDAWG PRODUCT: the H.E.L.P. (Helping Eunuchs Locate Pieceof********) it's a strobe beacon released upon sinkage. Don't leave shore without it!

not that i want to get involved with sub's usual bs, but i figured i might as well set this straight for those who might be tempted to believe everything sub says. No x-jet has sank from a design flaw. it has been stated NUMEROUS times that the x-jet in kansas sank because the owner personally removed the foam. sub chooses to ignore this because, well, he's sub.

hey sub, two years, three motors, three starters, two re-turfs, same hull/hood/bracket/footholds still going strong.....


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