I have no experience with NOS on a 2 stroke, but.....
Many people have the misconception the NOS destroys a motor. IT Can if improperly set up. With an increase in air, you need more fuel. This "wet setup" injects NOS as well as raw fuel when the Nos is on. Many people run a large shot and run a "dry setup" which is definate disaster for a motor.
Of course with any large HP increase comes more strain on the bottom end. There is a balance of preformance and reliabilaty on all motors. I would say most people fry motors because 1. they are running the system to dry or 2. to large a shot for what the motor can handle.
I can put a 150 shot on my stock Honda Civic but chances are my motor won't last long. However, I can run a 25-50 shot wet all day long with little effect on longjevity.