Custom/Hybrid No dasa , yes turbo !


I forgot!
X2. I agree that boosting a 2 stroke in a watercraft will not work better for making usable power.
"200hp+" on 650 internals will last 2 minutes. But, it is Still cool for building it and trying it out, even if it blows up right away.
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I don't think it will run well enough to blow up so. Just my opinon so don't take this personally, because you've put in a a lot of effort there, but I see a few issues....

-electric oil pump, plumbing, oil, etc (figure 15# weight and un-necessary complexity)
-huge backpressure on the exhaust is going to make this very laggy. 2 strokes don't like an exhaust restrictor in the form of a turbo -and if you're going to turbo a 2stroke it would be better on a steady state device (eg. a generator)
-no intercooler - either you're running very low on the capabilities of the turbo (and it will be laggy as all getout) or you're pushing very hot air and that limits the CR or requires serious octane
-turbo looks way too big to be responsive, that looks like it might be happy on a 2L motor - again super laggy
-turbo and expansion chambers don't work well. Think of it this way, the gas between the piston face and the turbo hotside needs to be minimized. You just added a big tank to fill and compress before anything happens.
-you need to run a very clean burning oil becuase the exhaust is not going to be hot enough that far away and will turn into a gooey mess of oil

So all that said, here's my closing thought: you've got a lot of passion around building this thing and you're definitely creative and can fabricate. So...... Supercharge. You can weld (ok, maybe need some more practice on the thin stuff). You've got the turbo ---- remove the coldside from the turbo and toss the hotside. Make a 15:1 pulley system and run the coldside as a compressor off the output coupler. Then you're in business because you haven't got to deal with any of the problems.

Then again, I might just be full of internet grade advice (which is crap as we know)
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