Now for some billet DYNO Porn


- SuperJet Thursday -
When installing my system always had one pickup firing 2* ahead of the other (using a degree wheel) no matter how much adjusting I did.

I had MSD send me a new pickup and after some swapping found that one of the two that came with the kit originally was triggering at the wrong time. I checked the pickup plate with a degree wheel and the threaded holes were accurately drilled 180* appart. The problem was with the pickup itself, I figured it was molded incorrectly. I sent it to MSD under warranty and they tested it good. It was definitely triggering at the wrong time and could not be corrected without drilling the mounting holes out for additional adjustment. The replacement they sent was dead on.


My home away from home.
I just want to say thanks to Brian, DASA and anyone else using a dyno to help us get the most out of our motors. I don't care about numbers being posted. Just want the most useable brap. That's what these guys are doing for us.

Thanks guys! Keep up the pursuit of brappiness!
thanks, that makes a lot of sense...

I just posted the pictures for a teaser.

It is the same in cars, it can be made to say whetever the operator wants.

The only relevance is if you are able to compare setup to setup, back to back, on the same equipment, in as close to the same time of day, with the same conditions.

Yep, and when you post a number there are a hundred guys to post that they don't beleive it.

It is reality, the "brake" can be set wherever you want. You can stop the motor DEAD at a full pull just by turning the knob.

The number could be made to say whatever the operator wants and the number is not even relevant, just a way to make motor setting changes and observe the difference while allowing the engine to run under a load.

We'll see, as I have stated before in the past, DASA is Dan's shop, if he wants me to post a figure I will. But he has told me in the past, dyno figures on the internet cause nothing but problems.

But mark my words....

In the Car world,Dynos are used when similar motors in cars are both there at the same time with their owners on planned dyno days,I dont think it would be any different with ski guys,if a shop posted up a dyno meet with dyno runs for a given price.I think many would show up for this kind of action.Bring some truth in competition amongst many motors and bring some business to you shop to boot. this takes alot of the debate away,they are also filmed back to back as the dyno computer is showing the curve.Seems like the big shots in this business are always afraid of this kinda thing. Any of us with any common sense would be more interested in seeing the curve of different motors.You could hide the peak hp and it wouldnt matter to me.Id just really like to see some of the top builders motors on a dyno and compare the curves.If you posted some runs with your motors with close ups of the monitor displaying the curve,even with no peak #s you would have ALOT of guys looking at your stuff,film it and send the tape to anyone here with tech skills and it will be hosted and on the X in 5 min and prolly get more hits than any thread ever created here.
Every ski has its own built in dyno. All that matters is thrust and all thats needed to measure it is a pitot tube and pressure gauge. Anyone can build a 100% accurate static thrust measuring device for lass than $100. The problem with numbers is that no consumers can verify them, it becomes a game of who is the most credible liar. I remember when Factory pipe first introduced the 701 "B" pipe, they claimed 12hp over stock. Three months later Westcoast claimed 19hp for its new blaster pipe so FP changed their ads to match.
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