Off The Site !

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whats pathetic is that this and the threads dealing with sbt/pwctoday/ who got banned or wants to be banned has been the hot topic. personally i don't give a F**K. instead of bashing others we should be helping others.... if someone has a beef with a company post it in the feedback section. unless it is something that has affected a mass number of people... say like a recall on an F150 for having a faulty ignition switch which causes the vehicle to catch on fire then it should be widely publicized.

yes this is a predominatly S/U based forum and some here do have an elitist attitude about themselves. but discriminating someone for what they ride is like discriminating on basis of race,creed,color, or religion. we are one in the same sharing a common passion for the sport. go to a cruise night or any NMCA, NHRA street car shootout you don't see those guys bickering because someone drives a ford or chevy or chrysler.... they are their supporting each other and helping out when someone has a problem not taking it to a full scale flame war on the internet

we should be trying to make the sport stronger not tear it apart nit picking at each other over who rides what and this or that. i ride a couch because i suck at a stand up and frankly no 270+ lb person should be on a stand up.

"Don't player hate participate"

oh and by the way



When I was new to this sport and posting on forums(PWCT), I was very intimidated by current members, cause I was afraid I was gonna say something stupid and be made fun of... Well, that didn't happen and I posted a bunch of pictures of myself (I thought was really cool) jumping my GP800. Everyone was very cool about it and no one dissed me even though I was on a sitdown.. If they had, I prolly would have not continued posting. My point is: Everyone wants to feel accepted in the group, whatever it is... We should open this site to everyone w/ the same open arms... Don't diss a guy for riding a sitdown or try to hurt somones feelings just because you feel what you are doing is better... I personally like standups better... I can say that w/o hurting someone, or making someone feel bad.

I am an emotional person, like Pete.. I know The reason he said those things, is because he f*cking really cares.... ALOT!!!!
I would take what he said to SFL w/ a grain of salt, cause he was just acting on emotion...

On the other hand... Charlie is not worth the hassle.. He doesn't provide enough good to offset the horrible negativity he spreads everywhere.
(that's just my personal opinion on Charlie though)


Ride for life
North NJ
ha kinda funny song.

I havent been in this sport too long but i have meet and gotten to know alot of new people at all the rides. Ive met pete a number of times and he is an outstanding guy that lives for the sport. not many people are as outgoing and sincere as pete. I have also met charlie, Ill admit he has problems keeping his mouth shut. but on the phone and in person he is a good guy in his own way. He helped me out a few times and I know he has shared ALOT of his knowledge with many people on this site.

my point is this site is, I see this site as a family. All families have overachivers and drunken jackasses. Thats what keeps everything interesting. I gotta say if everyone had the same opinions and got along or if we were all as nice as pete, i would lose intrest in this site.

wow this is offically the gayest sounding post ive ever made. but i mean it

Well said


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX
Thanks SFL.. You truely are a great person for the sport... HAVE FUN here. I am gone... SOmeone can start a Rager thread.. I am done with this Site for good.... Have Fun.... GOOD LUCK ! Bye all !

Oh ya, you can just about do anything you want on this site... But make sure you dont start a fight with SFL !

Is this an inside joke or is Pete really pizzed? NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO VOLUNTARILY LEAVE THE X!!!! I thought I read it in the rules somewhere.

Besides you can't go out with a post like that and not come back and look at it.LOL.

I dunno about you, nobody but nobody leaves the X voluntarily. There is protocol, people who discuss this, families that approve it, you gatta get permission for this sorta thing, ya know.
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When I was new to this sport and posting on forums(PWCT), I was very intimidated by current members, cause I was afraid I was gonna say something stupid and be made fun of... Well, that didn't happen and I posted a bunch of pictures of myself (I thought was really cool) jumping my GP800. Everyone was very cool about it and no one dissed me even though I was on a sitdown.. If they had, I prolly would have not continued posting. My point is: Everyone wants to feel accepted in the group, whatever it is... We should open this site to everyone w/ the same open arms... Don't diss a guy for riding a sitdown or try to hurt somones feelings just because you feel what you are doing is better... I personally like standups better... I can say that w/o hurting someone, or making someone feel bad.

I am an emotional person, like Pete.. I know The reason he said those things, is because he f*cking really cares.... ALOT!!!!
I would take what he said to SFL w/ a grain of salt, cause he was just acting on emotion...

On the other hand... Charlie is not worth the hassle.. He doesn't provide enough good to offset the horrible negativity he spreads everywhere.
(that's just my personal opinion on Charlie though)

i always knew you were a squatter in more ways than one ;):hail: :hail: :hail: :clown: :clown: :swordfight:

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
All I have to say I that through this site I have meet alot of upstanding guys who that helped me with my tech questions and pushed me to be a better rider and am glad to call them my friends (you all know who you are). Pete has been a great help to me over the last year and has been a major pusher to get htis sport out there. If he is in fact done with this site it is a big loss. I know there are other big infulances on this board but we even if one goes its a loss. I dont know why people have to flex there muscles on the boards it make us look like jerks.

It doesnt matter what you ride just as long as you ride. Look how much ******** us kawi guys take.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
110% agreed.

Watching this and PWCToday over the past week is just embarassing. Instead of being out riding and sharing stories about what parts broke each day grown adults are bickering over the Internet like children. It's sad, its embarassing. This site might be considered the more "hardcore" site but it certainly doesn't seem that way lately.

It's the friggin Internet...

Exactly you guys sound like a bunch of 13 year old school girls. Can we get back to Lamey cylinders and TNT chambers now? Damn

Mark44 Brap!


give me fuel give me fire
It doesnt matter what you ride just as long as you ride. Look how much ******** us kawi guys take.[/QUOTE]

yeah but you guys are considered couches to arnt you?:haha: JUST KIDDING


Limerick, PA
I agree I was new to all of the sport just 1.5 years ago. I really like the fact that every one here was willing to deal with and help me with all my questions. It’s nice to feel like you have a buddy to call for help. When you have people say o that’s stupid or you’re an idiot for doing that it makes you feel like that. Just like when I asked for feedback for my "graphics" on my ski and (so happened to be SFL) pretty much called me stupid and why would I want to do such an idiotic thing. But it blew over and didn’t affect me. I did what I wanted on my ski.

This site is supposed to help the ridding community grow. A local buddy just bought a superjet and he asked me what he should do to it. I simply said, “Start reading on x-h2o”. That’s what is so great about this site, and that’s what its for. Aren’t I right?

Constructive criticism is GREAT. But if your saying stuff just to be stupid or disagree with some one keep it to yourself. Don’t be bullheaded or try to force your OPINION on some one else. It really serves no benefit to be the "winner" of the argument, why do it.

I think some people should think how there post will benefit the site before they click that button.



aka Kathy
I've known, ridden and hung out with Pete for a while now, and I can tell you this is definately out of character for him. He takes this sport to heart probably more than any person on here, and puts more time and effort into promoting it than anyone and I think sfl just pushed him to his limit. I agree what he posted was a little out of control, but thats not the kind of person he is. Just my 2 cents.

I agree with Ron!!! I only hope that Pete will make his way back home again soon..... to the X! I for one - will miss him tremendously!!!!

My belief is with the Threats from "Inlaw" and now the insults from SFL - he just lost his cool for a sec!!!! I can somewhat understand why...... I'm sorry Pete!

Even me, who is as calm and good natured as they come - got quite riled with SFL today!!! Sometimes I just believe he takes things a little too far...... with the insults. I always believe everyone has choices and opinions and should always have the freedom to express their views....... Just please show me respect and I will always be open and appreciative to hear what you feel!

Just my thoughts.....


Boycotting Winter.
San Marcos, TX
PancakePete PancakePete is offline
Brapaholic !
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Last Activity: 08-22-2006 01:29 PM

Someone needs to call him and tell him to get his arse back on here!


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Come on guys we are better than
Hey i argure on here as well but we need to draw the line

To disagree is fine but to go bezerk at each other is kinda wrong
I know i have done it as well
Pete if you listening / reading we will see you back on here we all know that
Sfl you have annoyed me before but i have learnt that your not that bad at all you just go off some times
we will see you back on here as well
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