Off The Site !

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brraap....thats so 2002
When I was new to this sport and posting on forums(PWCT), I was very intimidated by current members, cause I was afraid I was gonna say something stupid and be made fun of... Well, that didn't happen and I posted a bunch of pictures of myself (I thought was really cool) jumping my GP800. Everyone was very cool about it and no one dissed me even though I was on a sitdown.. If they had, I prolly would have not continued posting. My point is: Everyone wants to feel accepted in the group, whatever it is... We should open this site to everyone w/ the same open arms... Don't diss a guy for riding a sitdown or try to hurt somones feelings just because you feel what you are doing is better... I personally like standups better... I can say that w/o hurting someone, or making someone feel bad.

I am an emotional person, like Pete.. I know The reason he said those things, is because he f*cking really cares.... ALOT!!!!
I would take what he said to SFL w/ a grain of salt, cause he was just acting on emotion...

On the other hand... Charlie is not worth the hassle.. He doesn't provide enough good to offset the horrible negativity he spreads everywhere.
(that's just my personal opinion on Charlie though)

agree 98%......other 2%is cause i like charlie...........but you have to know how to take those rants.


agree 98%......other 2%is cause i like charlie...........but you have to know how to take those rants.

actually, to be fare to charlie... not like he cares or I sit here in judgemnt of him, but I thought he had been being cool... All the Florida peeps who had issues seem to have worked it out (or at least stopped bickering). I was under the impression (until I saw this) that everything had been going smooth... :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

I still stand by my initail post though...


Surf Swimmer
Tampa, FL
I certainly don't. :biggrin: Unless maybe when he's giving technical info---Charlie certainly knows his way around watercraft.

Imagine that. :clown: I doubt that anyone is surprised.

That's fine and dandy for you to have this opinion. I believe that everyone makes this site what it is. Pete is certainly a high-caliber rider and contributes as much as he can to this sport, but there are many others here who contribute, as well.

Personally, Pete's response was overboard, as far as I am concerned. :rolleyes:

I guess my whole point is that I just don't get why Pete wouldn't choose to ignore Charlie if he is going to get SO upset over his comments.

Everone KNOWS what an opinionated, couch-bashing, a-hole he can be---and yet they argue with him. WTF?!?:argue:

agreed 100%... let's try to be a little more tolerant of other's differing opinions. In the same token, be respectful of those opinions that we all have. And remember folks, while feelings can be hurt with words's the internet for crying out loud!:banghead:


brraap....thats so 2002
actually, to be fare to charlie... not like he cares or I sit here in judgemnt of him, but I thought he had been being cool... All the Florida peeps who had issues seem to have worked it out (or at least stopped bickering). I was under the impression (until I saw this) that everything had been going smooth... :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

I still stand by my initail post though...

i never know how to take what he posts.....he's a self proclaimed asshole and kinda understand that, being i am also, but i never understood if his hatred of couch riders was honest or just meant to get a rise out everyone................................

i remeber when you got your first stand up.....those were cool days.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
on a rate of 1 - 10 today on the X............I put this as a 1 or a 2..........

This crap has made me sick to my stomach..................... I have to deal with the crap I do at work...........But I should not have to here..............

Listen up............... Be Respectfull of everybody...........................

It is that simple............ I was asked a while back by Mark44 if I am not mistaken why had I not been banned on PWCToday during a thread with waterhawk........ you all know how those go.............. answer: It is real simple........ Follow the Rules, Be Respectfull........... we are all going to have a disagreement at one time or another......... we get over it and go on.......... So, in my eyes, it is real easy to stay a member in good standing........... it is just as easy to get banned........... Its up to you.........


South Jersey
Exactly what did Charlie get banned for?

i may be wrong but i believe he was one of the first to be banned at the start of the sbt banning streak, and has brought negativity here, IMO he is stuck up on his beliefs, and leaves no room for what others want or have to say, said that pete has been drived to this but life is to short to keep grudges, as for sfl i think he should be more "user friendly" and not be one sided, and please leave the sbt/pwct BS off here, im sick of hering it, lets turn this into tho old pwctoday

The Penguin

triple secret probation
i may be wrong but i believe he was one of the first to be banned at the start of the sbt banning streak, and has brought negativity here, IMO he is stuck up on his beliefs, and leaves no room for what others want or have to say, said that pete has been drived to this but life is to short to keep grudges, as for sfl i think he should be more "user friendly" and not be one sided, and please leave the sbt/pwct BS off here, im sick of hering it, lets turn this into tho old pwctoday

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Hooked on the Jamz
Oh ya, you can just about do anything you want on this site... But make sure you dont start a fight with SFL !

Why? 'Cause he might just get banned? That animal!!:rolleyes:

You knock the crap out of couches and they are just another Watercraft... We are unique stand up based sport... but your
yacking at me about bass boats because I voiced my opinion...
You are the biggest wast of time... Alls I do is good things in
the sport and community and every postivie thing is always knocked
down with your negative bulll all over... If your not gone of this site.
I will be because Your Just AN ASSHOLE_ ! Pray to god you dont see
me at a Ride ! Personal Threat... I would take it as so... You ********_ !

What exactly did Charlie say/do to warrant this response? I'm pretty sure he didn't edit any of his responses... so maybe you (or any of the other outraged parties) could cut and paste the horrible things here. I must have missed them.

It's so typical that it goes down like this. I just have to laugh. The "moderator" has a melt-down, throws around threats and SFL gets banned! Ha! It's good stuff....if you enjoy hypocrisy.


Why can't people have varying opinions without losing their minds??

2lick said:
Just like when I asked for feedback for my "graphics" on my ski and (so happened to be SFL) pretty much called me stupid and why would I want to do such an idiotic thing. But it blew over and didn’t affect me.

"pretty much"? ..... exaggerate much?

Royal Sense Maker said:
Personally, Pete's response was overboard, as far as I am concerned.

I guess my whole point is that I just don't get why Pete wouldn't choose to ignore Charlie if he is going to get SO upset over his comments.

Everone KNOWS what an opinionated, couch-bashing, a-hole he can be---and yet they argue with him. WTF?!?

Thank you Mr Flush!!

rick said:
Regardless, to say what was said puts him in the same league as SFL IMO.

Hardly! Who did SFL ever threaten?

yamaslut said:
I would take what he said to SFL w/ a grain of salt,

If you could all take what SFL says with a grain of salt, this might not be an issue.

yamaslut said:
On the other hand... Charlie is not worth the hassle.. He doesn't provide enough good to offset the horrible negativity he spreads everywhere.

1. Dramatic much? Horrible negativity?! Oh geeze!!

2. I disagree. He is constantly helping people on this site with their technical problems.

This is not my fight and I will not make it mine just because I'm married to one of the parties. What went down and the way it went down was messed up and as a member of this board... I thought I'd say so.

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
i may be wrong but i believe he was one of the first to be banned at the start of the sbt banning streak, and has brought negativity here, IMO he is stuck up on his beliefs, and leaves no room for what others want or have to say, said that pete has been drived to this but life is to short to keep grudges, as for sfl i think he should be more "user friendly" and not be one sided, and please leave the sbt/pwct BS off here, im sick of hering it, lets turn this into tho old pwctoday

120% agreement.
I never really took SFL seriously. I always thought there was a joke behind every comment.

To be honest he has given me a ton of good laughs. I've never met the guy so I really can't judge him.

I just see him as a sarcastic SOB that we should just laugh at.


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX
Why? 'Cause he might just get banned? That animal!!:rolleyes:

What exactly did Charlie say/do to warrant this response? I'm pretty sure he didn't edit any of his responses... so maybe you (or any of the other outraged parties) could cut and paste the horrible things here. I must have missed them.

It's so typical that it goes down like this. I just have to laugh. The "moderator" has a melt-down, throws around threats and SFL gets banned! Ha! It's good stuff....if you enjoy hypocrisy.


Why can't people have varying opinions without losing their minds??

"pretty much"? ..... exaggerate much?

Thank you Mr Flush!!

Hardly! Who did SFL ever threaten?

If you could all take what SFL says with a grain of salt, this might not be an issue.

1. Dramatic much? Horrible negativity?! Oh geeze!!

2. I disagree. He is constantly helping people on this site with their technical problems.

This is not my fight and I will not make it mine just because I'm married to one of the parties. What went down and the way it went down was messed up and as a member of this board... I thought I'd say so.

Already covered and addressed.


I'm goin' for two
San Diego, CA
*shrug* what the fck ever. I'm pretty over the internet drama at this point. I was a little riled up yesterday about getting banned for nothing from a site I like. But life goes on.

Pete, you're a good guy, don't be so childish with the "fine, I'm taking my toys and leaving" attitude. Pretty lame to skirt out on a whole community of folks who look up to you and respect you because ONE person pissed you off.


Random Performance
Have you ever noticed that every thread that involves PWCToday ends up pretty much the same way? Call me crazy, but wouldn't it be a smart move to remove them all and start fresh?

Everyone seems to put in thier 2 cents regarding the other site, saying how bad it is etc, yet whilst doing so, the level of this site starts slowly dropping as we fail to seperate ourselves from the 2.

I'm not saying either Pete or Charlie are in the wrong, it's not my place to do so, but what I would like to see is both of them return, as from what I know of them, they are both valuable contributors to this site, and both have inadvertently helped me out in some way or another.

Such a small community doesn't need 2 key members to part ways over something that was said on a forum. If Charlie and Pete had this converstion at one of your rides, I'll bet it would have ended with a beer and a laugh.

My only suggestion; Leave the PWCToday stuff alone, and concentrate on something we all love, without the BS.


Just plain me....
Have you ever noticed that every thread that involves PWCToday ends up pretty much the same way? Call me crazy, but wouldn't it be a smart move to remove them all and start fresh?

Everyone seems to put in thier 2 cents regarding the other site, saying how bad it is etc, yet whilst doing so, the level of this site starts slowly dropping as we fail to seperate ourselves from the 2.

I'm not saying either Pete or Charlie are in the wrong, it's not my place to do so, but what I would like to see is both of them return, as from what I know of them, they are both valuable contributors to this site, and both have inadvertently helped me out in some way or another.

Such a small community doesn't need 2 key members to part ways over something that was said on a forum. If Charlie and Pete had this converstion at one of your rides, I'll bet it would have ended with a beer and a laugh.

My only suggestion; Leave the PWCToday stuff alone, and concentrate on something we all love, without the BS.
exactly....I'm so tired of hearing about the 'other site', he said/she said BS. So what...let it be. Let's get back on track to what this site is supposed to be. Now somebody build a ski & let's get a custom of the month back:cheer:
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