Official Dash Cam Thread

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
It's been brought up several times now in a few other threads so it's probably time to start a dedicated thread just for Dash Cams. Post reviews, footage, opinions and impressions and especially links to units you like or find on sale.

Some members already have them but many others like me are still shopping for the perfect unit. I can't tell you how many things i have seen in the last year alone that I wish I had a dash cam to capture. So much so that my wife is green lighting me to get one just so I'll shut up about it.

Some options I feel are important are 1080P, GPS and both forward and rear facing cameras.

Another thing I became aware of this morning is a possible issue with camera overheating and battery and unit damage resulting from it. Apparently there are capacitive units available that do not have batteries and last much longer than battery powered units. Battery life is so short that they pretty much all need to be plugged in anyways so I'd trade the battery for longer service life in a heartbeat.


Other threads with Dash Cam info;


Houston, TX
Have to look into if any of the major insurance companies offer discounts for having a dash cam?

Good point. I hear there are so many dash cams in Russia because insurance is very high and you get a discount if you have one.

It's why there were so many dash cam videos of that meteor a year or two back.
I've had one for awhile now. I originally got it because it seems I always have to be the heads-up guy when driving and avoid accidents that others almost cause. I've always figured one day I'll won't be in a hurry to get between point A & B and will just smash the eff out of the next bad driver and have the video to prove I'm not in the wrong. :oops:

Mine is an import that was cheap at the time ($130 from China/Ebay), they're now a dime a dozen and could be had for sub $50. My needs are just a need to give a visual of what happened and it does that well. I don't need it to read the cars license plate 3 car lengths in front of me.

I looked at the high $ like BlackVue ($300) at the time and it just wasn't worth it to me.

Looking now mine is similar to this but doesn't have a screen. For the $ it's worth buying 2 and mounting front and back. I don't think I want a 2 way cam catching what goes on the in the cab of my vehicle. :rolleyes:

Also, when I got mine I inquired about an insurance discount and was told it was not available but the company was looking into the option for the future. I'm with Allstate and haven't bothered to follow-up but I'd imagine the US isn't concerned or doesn't have the fraud level those crazy Russians have to deal with.
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C@R H@ul3R
Great thread, I'm real interested in one of these, since I started my auto transport bizz I cant count all the things I'd like to show others, I would have caught a few real bad accidents. I'm more concerened about protecting myself against insurance fraud and douchey cops. And yes, the one in my avatar was a douchey cop, lol.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I'm sure there's thousands of stories like this. Driver runs a red light, tries to lie about it and the dash cam shown on the spot shows the whole truth.

According to the video description, the minivan driver claimed they had the red light, but the S2000 driver showed the footage to the officer at the scene, and the tickets started to fly--for the minivan driver. It won't fix his likely totaled S2000, but it's some small measure of justice.


Fro Diesel

creative control
Pretty sure he (s2000) could have avoided that accident by applying the brakes as if he didnt have ins.. But he did have the right of way.

It does go to show, if you drive a sportscar and are involved in an accident, you're likely at fault.

Fro Diesel

creative control
It was rhetorical, silly mini van driver....b1tch i got that on camera. You wrong.

The minivan driver claimed she was in the right, as did the s2000 driver. Without this video proof for the s2000 driver, he would likely have a ticket, sorr neck, and a totalled ride. It is often the opinion that the guy in the nice car caused the accident, and he can AFFORD to pay for it. However, ask a Mercedes dealer if they have ever heard anyone who intentionally caused an accident with a high dollar vehicle to try and scam ins$ somehow.

Just sayin if you drive a really nice car, someone will see you as a target. If not the cops for speeding, low lifes trying to scam you outta your ride.

That being said, i need one of these dash cams for when i get my van back from the body shop.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Gotcha. Who you gonna believe, a kid in a sports car or a mom in a minivan right? It does go to show that everyone needs one of these because you just can't trust anyone to tell the truth these days.

I rear ended a woman a couple years ago and accepted full responsibility at the scene. The officer rewarded my honesty by not issuing me a single ticket, but simply put me at 100% fault and let my insurance dish out my punishment.
Not sure this belongs here but it does have to do with a dashcam.

This case is grey area for me but I've always considered it a gimme for cops to randomly pull cars over after bars let out and making false reason for why their being pulled over.

poop, I've been pulled over for suspicion in the early AM for dodging a notorious pothole in our locale. "Swerving" my ass lol.

Fro Diesel

creative control
Anymore feedback before i pull the trigger?

Edit: my falcon zero will be here tomorrow. I will update with feeback soon.
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Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
This is a great reason to have one. That Customs or BP van could easily lie and say the driver 1) ran a red light 2) failed to yieldan emergency vehicle.

That's only a few blocks from my job. It's like real life Mario kart over here. Nobody has a clue what they are doing behind the wheel. Road signs and painted pavement markings mean nothing. I've been thinking of getting a dash cam because I usually see some stupid crap on y commute.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Am I the only one who watches these videos and thinks that almost all of these accidents could have been avoided?

Drivers all over are getting so stupid these days we have to start protecting ourselves.
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