One way valve questions...


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
so, since one of my boats is stripped, I was thinking about adding the Home Depot style one way valve.

ive already got the foot holds installed, so can I cut the tray in front of it and install like that?

or is it possible to use a pvc tube the same size as the one way valve, and then do it all from the back end?

whats the smallest diameter hole the one way valve will fit thru?

part of my thinking is that if it ever needs replaced or serviced, I would rather be able to pull the whole assembly out thru the back instead of cutting the tray open again.


Stock Sucks
White Lake MI
It wont fit through the back. Cut the hole in the side rail and do it that way. There are two different kinds of valves at home depot. The pvc kind and the sump valve kind. I like the white pvc check valve. If you look at the sump one if you hold it up side down the flap falls open so it doesnt seal tight and it will leak. The pvc has a spring that seals it and it will release the water under force even though it seams kinda stiff.


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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
They don't usually have it in store, but you need the Flotec sump check valve - you can order online. The valve part is square, and is sprung loaded - costs about $10. You can put it in through the back - open up a hole big enough to get it through and then glass back over when you're done.


Warsaw, IN
what brit said, you can install from the back, but you'll have to cut a slightly larger hole and then glass it back.

advice, go with the 2in. might as well go with the bigger one since the cost is nearly the same. i wish i had.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
ok, so I CAN install from the back and reglass... hmmm, it might be easier to just cut the tray though...

question on HOGGMAN's photo.

is that a larger adapter on the end right behind the bulkhead? was that to get it down to the bottom of the inner hull area?

I need to goto Home depot and get some supplies.

will this last for years if done right? or will I be tearing it down every season to repair things?

( im lazy!)

thanks for the input guys!


Shootin' The Crap
I have a Blowsion one-way valve that I bought YEARS ago that I never installed---would make you a good deal on it if you are interested. :sneaky:


Limerick, PA
Im interested Royal pm me pic and price.. nut I dont want to thread jack I guess you should offer it to mouthfulloflake first.



Stock Sucks
White Lake MI
The fitting on the end of the pipe is just something I put on the end to give it a more finished look. I didnt like the idea of just a hole in the fire wall so I put a 1.5"-2" adapter on the 1.5" pipe so it flares out at the end plus I figured it would be easier to glue it in the firewall from the front and 5200 around it then pvc cement in the pipe from the back.


I'm Baaaack!
Mobile, AL
You will be doing yourself a HUGE favor is you do a search online and get a zoeller (or zoeler) valve... They are MUCH higher quality than then flotec valve but are the same style valve.


Virginia Beach
Who was it at Daytona who had a threaded end at the rear of the ski? Got pics? I love the idea of being able to secure a plug as I will likely end up at non-beaching beaches this summer.


Warsaw, IN
beachjunkey said:
Who was it at Daytona who had a threaded end at the rear of the ski? Got pics? I love the idea of being able to secure a plug as I will likely end up at non-beaching beaches this summer.

i have one on both the inside and outside of my ski. copied the idea from slut.


Stock Sucks
White Lake MI
SJBRiT yeah it does but it has to have a little water in the hull it needs a little more force to open but what it doesnt get the pumps do. I checked it before it put it in I put a couple feet of pvc on it and filled it with water then jerked it up real fast and it drained.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
beachjunkey said:
Who was it at Daytona who had a threaded end at the rear of the ski? Got pics? I love the idea of being able to secure a plug as I will likely end up at non-beaching beaches this summer.

That might have been mine. I have some pictures at home - I'll try to remember to post them later.
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