personal watercraft illustrated magazine shutting down in 2010??


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I had some aspirations of doing something like that once, but once I saw how hard it was to get advertisers to pony up just $25/month for a banner ad here, reality set in pretty quickly.

Isn't that the truth! It's alot easier thinking about getting people to spend money than it is to actually collect that money!


Ride for life
North NJ
Isn't that the truth! It's alot easier thinking about getting people to spend money than it is to actually collect that money!

That is the wrong attitude from someone in the car business:spank:

I agree it sucks to see PWI go but it really hasn't been to great the past few seasons. The interweb has taken over:cool: and SFL has saved the SPORT:Banane01:


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
I thought about this today multiple times and it is really the :):):):)'s. So does anyone have an alternative plan that might help keep WCI alive what if all of us as X member's tried to pony up and help sell subscription's huh? C'mon I think it is a good idea I have friend's that would buy a subscription. We all need to step up to keep what we do alive Guy's and Gal's
You Are Right "couch and wakeskate/board material."

And all The FLUFF!

Their Failure Is Mostly Their Own Fault.


New York Crew
Western New York
before I even saw this thread I was renewing my subscription to PWI... Just got this email back today:

The comments for your order are

Your order will not be processed and your credit card will not be charged, please refer to the letter below from the Publisher.

January 14,2010

To all Personal Watercraft Illustrated subscribers:

Due to the rapidly shrinking advertising revenue and a corresponding decrease in subscription sales, Personal Watercraft Illustrated will cease publication effective immediately.

We regret the necessity to take this action but the watercraft industry seems unable to support a consumer/enthusiast magazine at this time, citing the general economic slump and the prospect of further negative economic pressure that will result from proposed increases in business and personal taxes, potentially ruinous and expensive legislation such as Cap and Trade, and a trillion dollar health care scheme in the works. Businesses are hunkering down and not spending much money these days, and no early end is in sight.

Again, we regret the need to end publication of Personal Watercraft Illustrated, and we hope for a better economic climate soon.

Robert L. NorVelle
Cycle News, Inc.

Your order has been updated to the following status.

New status: Canceled


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
I havent bought it for years , it always seems to be runabout in there. Or it was when i stopped buying it.
I dont buy any magazines anymore they are always out of date compared to this online magazine we call the x


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
That sucks. It's awkward to take the laptop into the bathroom. Magazine still rules the crapper.

They received suggestion after suggestion on how to improve their magazine..They followed very few. Basically just big budget builds that replicated .5% of PWCToday or Greenhulk guys were interested in.

Their last issue I got had an article on GLUING in a set of footholds...and editorial about no 2010 Honda PWCs and then a "buyer's guide" with 2010 Honda PWC's models in it.

I saw more wake boarding tips in each issue than I did freestyle how-to's.


Totally agree with you Aaron. The editor posted on here asking what we wanted to see any problems, ect... I complained about how they screwed me twice and never sent issues and then never extended my subscription or sent the back issues. The guy kinda promised that issues like that wouldn't happen again. I was hoping for a free subscription being they ripped me off twice. But alas, nothing...

Well a few months back I broke down and paid for another one year subscription. This is years after they ripped me and my confidence was lost. So they sent out the first issue asap in an enevelope. I thought that guy might have got their act together.

Then the other day I get a letter from them that looks like a subscription renewal notice. I think to myself here we go again, I am going to have to call them since I only got one issue and I paid for a year. Yet it is the letter saying that they are shutting down shop and will continue out my subscription with Cycle News.

Well to top it all off, there was one of the envelopes inside used to mail back your payment. I realize the letters were probably sent out from some automated machine but that is the crap that it just a waste. You send me an envelope to mail my payment back in when you senty me a letter saying your were canceling my subscription. Say that envelope costs $0.05 but there is a million customers. Well these was a waste of $5000 bucks. I know 1Mil subscribers is probably a stretch but you get my point. I am calling them and wanting a refund because they get what they deserve in my opinion. I knew better than to give them a third chance!
got my dear john letter a few days ago.
maybe not the best mag for the sport but still sad to see them go.
what's left now? the ijsba mag?
Ever See The EFFORT They Put Into MX Mags?
I Am Sure Things Would Have Been Different If They Put 25% More Effort Into PWi

It Is A Shame They Didn't Take Advice From All The People Who Offered It.
You Know Who You Are.

Just An Example: Never Did See Dasa's Billet Cylinders And Cases In ANY Of The Issues.

It Just Goes To Show You Their Staff "Just Weren't Into It."

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
When there was still the old "national tours", the big sponsorships (Team Butch, R&R Jettech, Westcoast, PJS) and you had the Huge Factory Teams, there was much more to right about, there was much more advertising. All of these are gone. Without money to do much, your content gets narrowed down, you dont have the money to fly people to different parts of the country to write stories about Dasa or XScream (Have you ever seen a story about either, both would be good articles). Or a "Tour of EME or Trinity's shop". They scraped up to find content. Which truck pulls your boat best, wakeboard info. Bottom line, with the economy the way it is, it makes it difficult to have enough content to maintain a good magazine and subscribers. Plus I would say these websites (X, PWCToday, Greenhulk) cut into the subscribership also. You can get more up to date info here!.
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Save Your Old Old Issues(The good ones)
They Might Become A Collectors Item Of How A Good Magazine Was Run.

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