Are we there yet?
- Location
- Lake Hartwell, SC
Thanks to all for the photos, This is by far one sweet thread!!!:bananajump:
I saw you out there bopping around on a blaster you little elf you...that dry suit was bigger than you! I always get so dammned nervous when riding surf for the first time after having a long break so I cruised out past the break and just got reaclimated - that's when I saw you riding. For a bit it was Murph's bride, you and I in one area just stirring things up. By sunday morning I had my groove back and was wishing I had some foot straps or lifter wedges so I could get more than 8" of air. I suckk at surf riding, but I have fun, so I guess that's all that matters.
PS: I'm headed back next weekend - Neener!
Mark - I was trying to get you to trade (well, not trade...hold) Eddie's ski out beyond the break so I could ride yours. I think you thought I must have been just waving to you twice.:wave: I'm sorry I didn't get to try your ski. It did look sweet inside and out, and you ride so very well.
Hey Kevin is that all of them from the 3 disks?Sorry for the delay on posting these, I have more it just takes to long to post all of them. Pismo rager 2008/?albumview=grid
My hd shows 483 pics I got from you, I sent the disks to Cuong.No besides the ones you posted i think theres another 100 or so. The rest are of vehicals and the camping area
#13 is off the hook im painting my sj black & tellin everybody who doesnt know any better thats me.