Well,it's been over a year since l started on a new path with health and diet.No beef,chicken,or pork.l also cut out any processed sugars.Overall l feel great and it has been interesting to see how it has changed me.l lost 20 lbs in the first 6 months but have not lost anymore.l have gained back about 10 lbs.The weight loss was not part of the plan but it was nice to get back to my high school weight and be 60 years old!
My wife and l have learned so many new ways to work with foods and food preparation.Lots of great foods you can make without meat.Lots of research before making something new.l go to my MD every 6 months for a full lab panel and checkup.All my levels are where they should be with some things being lower than the averages.Mostly blood sugar levels and cholesterol.Back a few months ago l added going to the gym 4 times a week for an hour workout with free weights and 30-45 minute cardio.i also try to ride my bike several times a week.That has been hard but now has been paying off.
l can't say l haven't wanted to certain foods but it has been more sugar items than anything else.Why l started this path was for medical reasons but it has become part of my life now.lt is not for everyone but has really helped me out.l only wish l would have started a lot earlier in life.And vegans are still weird people