poll: better bang fer yer buck

replace b pipe with rrp/pfp or replace enhancer with hx3?

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Thinking about making a mid-season upgrade. I would either replace my enhancer with an hx3 or my b pipe with a rrp/pfp. With which upgrade will I see the most gain?

Currently have 5mm 809 with oem 44's, vf3's, bpipe, and enhancer.
Feel free to elaborate on why I should go one way or the other.


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
Curious to see what people say. Obviously, the cheaper upgrade is the epic by a lot. But Im pretty sure you will gain more power from upgrading the pipe. Now if you want to get all technical and do a cost per power unit gained....I have no clue which upgrade would win lol.
Also interested in results. I think type of hull and type of riding would also come into play. If it was a surf boat I would vote epic and stick with the b-pipe all day, but if your flat water flipping then maybe a pipe? I only ride surf, I have both the epic and PFP and I like my setup, but I don't think its the best for all styles of riding
I wish I could just do both and get it over with but my other half would go through the roof. If I had to buy either of these upgrades outright it would never fly but since the sale of either would offset the cost I think I can sneak it under the radar.
Selling my enhancer wouldn't even put a dent in a msd tl. That's why I didn't list it. Plus I'd like to be able to keep the charging capabilities.


X-H20 certified
San Diego
Don't forget the lack of customer support! I recall the ATP guy getting on here and bashing people who had issues and posted after non-communication from ATP... Buyer beware!
Ok ,hows MSD's warranty and customer support on t/l or enhancers for comparison to this bold statement ? Chris @ATP is an upstanding guy and will stand behind his product ,but only to a reasonable point . remember you are comparing a msd enhancer analog old school charging system (gets its power from the stator )to digital (battery powered at start up )as far as hx3 and enhancers go ,so it depends a lot on the existing condition of your entire electrical system in order to compare apples to apples (iE grounds ,good components ,salt ,fresh ,ect )it takes a little more in order to make an hx3 work correctly , your electrics and wiring cant be all hammered .and as far as total loss ,well you had better know what your doing at set up or call 1-800 msd or atp and then lets talk customer service .HX3 is good bang for your buck if you already have a pipe .
Ok ,hows MSD's warranty and customer support on t/l or enhancers for comparison to this bold statement ? Chris @ATP is an upstanding guy and will stand behind his product ,but only to a reasonable point . remember you are comparing a msd enhancer analog old school charging system (gets its power from the stator )to digital (battery powered at start up )as far as hx3 and enhancers go ,so it depends a lot on the existing condition of your entire electrical system in order to compare apples to apples (iE grounds ,good components ,salt ,fresh ,ect )it takes a little more in order to make an hx3 work correctly , your electrics and wiring cant be all hammered .and as far as total loss ,well you had better know what your doing at set up or call 1-800 msd or atp and then lets talk customer service .HX3 is good bang for your buck if you already have a pipe .

I wasn't comparing MSD TL to the ATP product, we already know who wins that battle (what's in your Hurricane?)
My "bold statement" was to assist the OP and anyone else in making a decision on where to spend their hard earned money. I know I'm not the only one who saw the thread I referenced above.


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
My Vote is Pipe....since you have to sneak it past you significant other, you might as well sneak the more expensive option past her while you think you can get away with it.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
PFP will run much better with the HX3. Hard to pick one over the other. I’ve learned the hard way slow upgrades pc by pc is not the way to do it. Everything has to work together, are you planning on making any pump changes?

Heres how I think about it. Sell your bpipe before FP starts making them again. They are going for near $800 right now which is more than new. Sell the enhancer for $150-200 thats $1000 in the bag so go find $300 and get a used PFP for $1300ish. If you cant find a used one get a new epic b/c it will work with the bpipe just fine, and when a PFP comes up for sale you can jump on it. I’m always leery of used electronics especially with no warranty
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