popular freestyle ski??


salty nuts
coastal GA
A Yamaha Superjet from 1990-2008 is a great platform to start on. Good luck
Check out the wikipedia page on superjets for year to year changes in motor/color/etc.

Dubs chops

livintit dot com
js 300 Bar none

JK get yourself a squarenose. Dont do anything to it engine wise, When you get the money drop a 701 in it and let the mods begain


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
actually 650 SJs are good starter skis
I have taken my 650 about as far as a 6M6 can go and it hits hard:biggthumpup:
Dont get a SeaPoo 3D It is a :purr: machine
Stick to a Yamaha Superjet and you will be fine!
thanks that 'll help a lot!! ive got a couple of 550's im rockin right now. sorry im a noob i couldve used the search i forgot!! haa.

is there any classifieds on this site for anything? or even anything set us to do freestyle with??
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