Possible trick for all you ski capable freestylers.


Be About It!
Wichita, KS
Think it would be possible to dive down into a sub but come up steep enough to pull into a back flip? or are people doing this already!


Be About It!
Wichita, KS
Not sure if youre being sarcastic or not.. but I actually think it would be pretty cool. Might be a difficult trick for all those easy flipping 1100's out there to work on
:haha:Thats actualy on the plan for amature qualifying...:0)

- 360 Helicopter into sub into 180 stab into backflip
- then Front flip into sub into backflip

I think it is. Trying out my new cats I found i would get pretty high out of the water if i hop pull trim sub and it would shoot me up and out and I would land in the back seat. so bob and braps and skills its prob possible.


2011 World Champion
Oakley, CA
Doubt it, most skis that are easy to flip are too difficult to sub, and even if you got it under, I think there'd be too much resistance underwater, that you couldn't get the right speed to come out and flip.
Doubt it, most skis that are easy to flip are too difficult to sub, and even if you got it under, I think there'd be too much resistance underwater, that you couldn't get the right speed to come out and flip.

I'm with you on getting them to sub....but I say if you can stab a straight suicide sub maybe 1000cc+ and sick pump would propel you up and out...if it didn't run out of air trying. It would have to rev hard and perfectly under the water for a couple of seconds. Mine accelerates bad under water because it seems to run out of air instantly.
its possible,because the rule of thumb is anything is possible.bt it is very unlikley its gonna happen.just try coming up out of a sub and getting the ride plate to catch a little air. it almost never does cause the ski is waterlogged and needs a few seconds to drain all the water out.water is heavy.
i kinda did it buy accident ive been practiseing rideing out of my subs the other day i came in way too fast for a sub went about half was under water then Whoosh i launched out and my friends said i did about a 1/3 of a back flip...... so it is possable IMO

Polish jet pilot

Warsaw, Poland
you cant cheat physics - I am pretty good at subbing - my SJ. My XFS is not a sub boat and it is capable of BF. You could sub the XFS but I seriously doubt that after that It could pull a BF - maybe with insane power yes but as said before water is heavy and ski becomes unstable once it has water in it..
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