Pre meet and greet on the X

gotcha... i just misunderstood your first post.

dont be offended if i call her fay.

i promise not to mention the TS thing.... even though there are FLO pics about.



Just spell my name right
In Your Head
me and my girl will be there:


(yes....i know i'm gonna catch crap for this but whatever)
You mean "catch crap" for wearing a freaking PINK shirt??
Right. Her name is Lisa. And she can cause far more damage than any tropical storm!

(20th anniversary 3 days b4 Daytona) Man, I'm on a shoestring!

And I looked, and behold a pale horse:
and her name that sat on him was Lisa,
and Hell followed with her.


is manny going to make a special appearance?

btw..Dan, I gotta an opening line when I first meet a girl:

"hey, you wanna go to my friends house and pet the monkey??"

yeah, its priceless

oh, and here's a pic of some of the local boyz....

Idok, butti, garrett (GDFL) and Ewok....


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NE Tenn
Quote:btw..Dan, I gotta an opening line when I first meet a girl:

"hey, you wanna go to my friends house and pet the monkey??"

Scott,That is priceless! lol


Petting might not be a good idea.. maybe "viewing" would be a better word!

Is Ewok gonna make it this year?

Is Wolf Child gonna make an appearance?

OOPS....this thread is about pics of "x" folk....

Every guy is gonna look like Brad Pitt, and every gal is gonna look know.

I don't think name-tags would work either.
"Hello!, I'm 1000 cc x-scream 10 mil stroker with a b-pipe and all the goodies!"
......can I ride your 701?

Manny might just show up. Gotta feel out the hotel first. Lisa will be running back and forth to take care of the animals. It would be nice if he could hang in the room at least. But big crowds are not a good idea.
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Need to save my money!!
Long Island
we don't care what your name is.

what is your girlie's name?


shoniqua :sneaky:

Lets get back to giving Woody some :):):):)

no more!!! :spankme:
Pink shirt? I didnt even notice the pink shirt.

Woody did you think you were gonna catch crap from us or you girl ?

you guys....she wouldn't give me crap she knows better :Banane26:

You mean "catch crap" for wearing a freaking PINK shirt??

a FREAKING pink shirt...interesting....does it getchooo freak-onnnn

It's "salmon".

no its not

nope, that's pink.

yep you're right
Petting might not be a good idea.. maybe "viewing" would be a better word!

lol..good point, Ill tell her she can share a beer with him.......just set your can down and he'll fill up his cup :haha:

Is Ewok gonna make it this year?

should, but who really knows............

Is Wolf Child gonna make an appearance?

if he has not set himself on fire

OOPS....this thread is about pics of "x" folk....

Every guy is gonna look like Brad Pitt, and every gal is gonna look know.

I don't think name-tags would work either.
"Hello!, I'm 1000 cc x-scream 10 mil stroker with a b-pipe and all the goodies!"
......can I ride your 701?

Manny might just show up. Gotta feel out the hotel first. Lisa will be running back and forth to take care of the animals. It would be nice if he could hang in the room at least. But big crowds are not a good idea.

yeah, and if he does show up he WILL draw a crowd...

last year there was some dude there with big parrots..

shoniqua :sneaky:

dude, you reallize you just screwed up...cuz if her name isnt shoniqua, it is now!!!!!!!!



When DrewProductions started this, I thought,"ya know, this is a problem for me as well...this might be a good idea"!

I'm bad with names and faces too.

I'm enjoying the thread, but I've learned that anything asking for pics is doomed!


frozen in the ice
Ontario boy
I see a "girls of Daytona" thread in the making. to bad we don't have that English creep UK to take pics this time :sneaky:
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