Pump Gas Lifespan?


Workin too much
How long is pump 93 good for after it is mixed.
I have + - 10 galons that were mixed in late october and did not have staybil in it, I was wondering if I could dump some octane boost in it and run it or just dispose of it and get some fresh.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
you'll be fine as long as your not in the 200psi range. i'v ran older fine

always safe just to dump it in the car...


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
I even use it on my neibors weeds that improach my weeds. The leaf blower gets the end of seasons prmix. Nothing like smelling klotz r-50 in a cheap blower. Then after winter(dirt bike ride time) the lawn engines get left over 110 octain w/ maxuim.


Ride for life
North NJ
I have heard it's not good to put staybil in premix because it breaks down the oil.
Not sure if it's true but I use fresh gas, the old stuff goes in the truck.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
if you really wont to be safe you could add a stablixer to the old gas.. mix it up good and mix it with some fresh gas and you will be good to go... pending know water is in their...


Great thread...

I wonder that same thing.
Here are some others too:

You should not mix Gas until your ready to run it. ?
(dont let it sit for week/weeks)

Gas looses octane because of evaporation, even if sealed ?

When Storing, fill tank and use stabil ? some say dont, leave tank empty? I heard that builds condensation in tank... ?????

Gas here has been crap lately. Regular makes most cars ping.
super runs like regular used to.

XFTLOU... I run r50 in all my lawn stuff and Dirt bikes. Love that !
For Freestyle... Klotz is not the best. I recently found that out per the Klotz is designed for high RPM motors. I am switching.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Can you say BON FIRE!

I either run old gas in my weed eater or lawn mower otherwise my grandpa's old beater Ford truck gets it.

I did have an instance once where I blew up an engine. Well I was a newbie and didn't know about the tank breathers. I kept doing subs until my old X2 filled up the water seperator with H2O and then the tank was just sucking the water out of the seperator down into the tank. So after the engine committed sucide I siphoned out all the gas in preparation to pulling out the engine. Well there was all this white cloudy hair conditioner looking crap in my gas. After it sat for a few weeks in a clear container, all the cloudy stuff sank and there was a bunch of water in the gas. Needless to say I never used that gas in any of my other engines. It went on the burn pile.

If you have a bunch of $$ invested in your ski, I say put fresh in it. Otherwise just run it.


makin' legs
Great thread...

I wonder that same thing.
Here are some others too:

You should not mix Gas until your ready to run it. ?
(dont let it sit for week/weeks)

Gas looses octane because of evaporation, even if sealed ?

When Storing, fill tank and use stabil ? some say dont, leave tank empty? I heard that builds condensation in tank... ?????

Gas here has been crap lately. Regular makes most cars ping.
super runs like regular used to.

XFTLOU... I run r50 in all my lawn stuff and Dirt bikes. Love that !
For Freestyle... Klotz is not the best. I recently found that out per the Klotz is designed for high RPM motors. I am switching.

Klotz is EXCELLENT for freestyle. Either the R50 or Benol(my choice) will handle high RPM use, but are more than adequate for what we do. I've talked to Klotz and Maxima and have done some testing on my own and either would be perfect choices for what we do. Contrary to popular opinion, the castors also do an excellent job fighting corrosion. Modern castors from maxima and klotz are not dirty, gummy oils like the old stuff. Film strength and corrosion prevention are the biggest factors to consider. I'm suspect someone is telling you to run quicksilver instead. The corrosion protection may be good, but film strength is WAY lower than any of those I mentioned. Not even close. Also, remember your quote from the Klotz flyers and website.:smile:

"I put like 300 hours on my Jr.magoo motor with Klotz in it and ran incredible all year. the standard people get 100-150 hours for a high perfomance motor like that. BUt not only did I pass 200 hrs but I passed 300 hours. People can not believe it. It is True and Jr.magoos knows it!"
Pancake Peter
Freestyle Jet Ski


Klotz is EXCELLENT for freestyle. Either the R50 or Benol(my choice) will handle high RPM use, but are more than adequate for what we do. I've talked to Klotz and Maxima and have done some testing on my own and either would be perfect choices for what we do. Contrary to popular opinion, the castors also do an excellent job fighting corrosion. Modern castors from maxima and klotz are not dirty, gummy oils like the old stuff. Film strength and corrosion prevention are the biggest factors to consider. I'm suspect someone is telling you to run quicksilver instead. The corrosion protection may be good, but film strength is WAY lower than any of those I mentioned. Not even close. Also, remember your quote from the Klotz flyers and website.:smile:

Ya... I dont understand..... Klotz has been awesome and I love it... BUt it does not burn completely in low RPM motors... at least what I thought. I am learning all the time.
and in that quote it should be edited to say @$%@#$% copied motor.
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Addressing the original question, I don't see any reason why premixed fuel would last any less than plain fuel in storage. Many two-stroke oils have fuel stabilizers that may even add to the life span (although the mixture could come out of suspension making the point moot).

Race gas is where you really have to start worrying about storage. If it is kept in plastic containers, the more volatile components of race gas are susceptible to escaping through the plastic. I noticed a real difference in the smell of fuel that I let sit in plastic over the winter laast year, versus fresh out of the can.

Fro Diesel

creative control
so if premix is safe for an old car would it be safe to run it in my turbo mazda, it's an 88 but runs and drives like a 98? would it hurt the turbo? i think it would be fine...anyone got a clue?

Mike W

North Florida
so if premix is safe for an old car would it be safe to run it in my turbo mazda, it's an 88 but runs and drives like a 98? would it hurt the turbo? i think it would be fine...anyone got a clue?

The fuel doesn't go thru the turbo so I would say yes. If you mix say 5 gallons of premix with 10 gallons of regular gas that is already in the tank then it will be deluted so much you will never even notice a difference.
i woudnt run premix in my turbo car.......especially if its driven hard..

dont know if it would hurt anything, but not worth the risk IMO....however, I do run old premix in any of my other lawn/garden tools...
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