JetManiac's Pump Shop
New SuperJet 1990-2007 length a/m driveshaft $300. sale 229.80
New Superjet 2008-2020 length a/m driveshaft $345. sale 259.
New WaveBlaster B1 1993-1996 length a/m driveshaft $300. sale 229.80
'90-'07 SJ length nontapered HD recon. driveshaft 219. (limited availability)
'08-'20 SJ length nontapered HD recon. driveshaft 229.
Setback driveshafts for Skat Trak, H2O, and Maxx MAG pumps-limited avail.
Custom length driveshafts available
(B stock shafts are sometimes available for 149.-179.)
Midshafts (aka Coupler/Intermediate shaft)
SJ midshaft a/m (shaft only) $130. sale 119.89
SJ/B1 a/m midshaft 138.
(same as the one formerly sold by Cold Fusion)
SuperJet OEM Yamaha Midshaft (shaft only) $238. sale 208.95
MIDSHAFT SHOP - Intermediate Shafts for SuperJet, Blasters -new,used,rebuilt
JetManiac's Midshaft Shop JetManiac has new and used midshafts (aka: intermediate shaft), housings, couplers, and parts for your SuperJet or aftermarket hull build or rebuilds. Also for your Waveblaster and FX-1. Send us your tired midshaft assembly for repair/replacement/rebuild OR select...
MAG Pumps
Skat Trak Setback 148 and 155 MAG pumps
Solas MAG 144 and 148mm MAG pumps
PUSH 155mm lightweight competition setback MAG pump 1,495.
Thrustone 155mm MAG pump stator/wear ring 1,195.
Torrent 155mm MAG setback pump stator/wear ring 2,499.95
Torrent 148mm MAG setback pump stator/wear ring 2,299.95 sale 1,295.
**Available as pump only or in kit with driveshaft, Skat impellers also available
Pump and Midshaft Rebuild Kits
NSK Pump Build/Rebuild kit for Yamaha (2 bearings/2 seals) $51.90 sale 45.95
Koyo Jap Oem brand pump rebuild kit (2 bearings/2 seals) $89.95 sale 65.95
OEM Yamaha Pump Build/Rebuild kit (2 oem bearings/2 seals) $119.90 sale 98.80
Setback MAG Pump Build/Rebuild kit (2 a/m bearings/2 seals) 59.90
KOYO Setback MAG Pump Build/Rebuild kit (2 Koyo bearings/2 seals) $149. sale 99.90
Midshaft rebuild kit - NSK $40.95
(NSK sealed bearing, 3 grease seals, 2 bearing clips, 2 shaft orings)
Koyo Jap Oem brand Midshaft Build/Rebuild kit 64.95
(Koyo sealed Bearing, 3 grease seals, 2 bearing clips, 2 shaft orings)
Pump Parts
Pump stator vane section Yamaha OEM 144mm for SJ/Blaster (used, clean) 85.
Pump stator vane section Yamaha OEM 144mm for SJ/Blaster (used, average) 50.
Pump stator vane section Yamaha OEM 155mm 119.
Pump Seal (wear ring to pump shoe) 144-148mm new OEM 39.90
Pump Seal (wear ring to pump shoe) 144-148mm new a/m 24.95
Pump Seal (wear ring to pump shoe) 155-160mm new a/m 41.90
PUMP parts
Pump to hull bolts 144/155mm -New OEM Yamaha $11.99/ea
Pump to hull bolts 144/155mm -New Allen stainless 4pack $19.95
Pump bolt to hull tray brass -OEM threaded tray insert 7.99
Long pump bolts:
SuperJet, Blaster 144/148mm long pump bolts -New OEM Yamaha 10.99/ea
155mm long pump bolts -New Stainless hex head a/m 8.95/ea.
155mm long pump bolts -New Stainless allen head a/m 19.49/ea
155mm long pump bolts -New Stainless OEM Yamaha 28.90/ea
SF Circus 155 long (longer) pump bolts -Stainless OEM 4x 9.90
Stainless M8 thick screw in inserts 6.89
(for adding stainless threads to 155 wear ring)
Pump stainless shims kit (8 pack) 19.90
Driveshaft spline tool for impeller removal/installation 15.90
Midshaft spline tool (for midshaft coupler removal/installation) 39.80
Skat Trak or Hooker hex impeller tool 23.90
Solas impeller tool 14.90
Skat Trak, Hooker, older Solas impeller nose boot for tapered driveshaft 8.95
Tapered shafts OEM SJ '90-07, FX1 94-95- shaft diameter in front of impeller 15mm
Skat Trak, Hooker, older Solas impeller nose boot for NON-tapered driveshaft 9.95
NON-tapered constant diameter shafts SJ '08-20, B1 93-95 -diameter 18mm
Impeller washer (2mm) OEM Yamaha clean, used 11.50
Impeller spacer washer- Stainless a/m (0.5, 1, or 2mm) 3.95/ea.
Impeller spacer kit (2mm, 1mm, 2x 0.5mm) 16.95
Brass 3/8" 90 degree hose fittings 5.49
1/2" hose fittings 8.49
3/8" hose 90deg to solas pump 5.95
HOOKER Freeride Impeller
Hooker 144mm impeller for Yamaha is designed for max bottom end power and "Hook up" for freestyle and freeriders on SJ or Blaster.
Designed around maximizing pump efficiency and bottom end, new radial edge design, large hub (75mm), cutback 7mm.
Hooker fits stock 144mm Yamaha pump, Mag pumps (with washer)
New Impros HOOKER Freeride Impeller $364.89
9/15, 10/16, or 11/17
* Impeller includes rubber nose seal and Hooker impeller tool.
Hooker for Kawi 140mm pumps 364.89
Skat Trak MAG Pump Impellers
Skat Trak D-75 Big Hub 148mm Impeller $395.
Skat Trak E-75 Big Hub 155mm Impeller $439.
*Impeller includes rubber nose seal and Skat impeller tool.
5mm cutback option 69.80
Solas impellers
Solas 144 9/15 big hub/concord freeride impeller $339. sale 297.
Solas 144 10/16, 12/18, 13/19, 15/22 big hub/concord freeride impeller $339. sale 269.
-Impeller includes rubber nose seal, impeller tool.
Freestyle pump cones
Stubby pump cone 59.80
*OEM yamaha pumps 144, 155
Impros freestyle stubby cone for Solas 144/148 MAG pump 57.90
XScream lightweight composite cones for Skat MAG pumps 59.95
*3 lengths available
Torrent Mag 148/155 pump stubby cone 65.90
Wear Rings / Impeller Housings
(More information about wear rings in post 3)
Yamaha OEM new 144mm Wear ring for SuperJet/Blaster 1 $348. Sale 296.
Solas all Stainless Steel 144mm wear ring $345. sale 285.90
144mm wear ring with replaceable white delrin plastic liner $195. sale 169.85
Replacement 144mm delrin liner for SBT or WSM 45.95
OEM 144mm impeller housing/wear ring for SJ/Blaster (used, freshwater, clean) 98. (limited stock)
Pump to pump shoe seals
144mm Pump to shoe seals
144mm Yamaha OEM Pump wear ring to pump shoe seal 39.90
144mm a/m Pump wear ring to pump shoe seal 24.95
155mm Pump to shoe seal
155mm Pump wear ring to pump shoe oem style seal 41.90
155mm Wear ring
155mm SJ/B2 wear ring with replaceable plastic liner $205.89 sale 185.80
White delrin plastic liner for SBT 155mm wear ring 42.95
Black delrin plastic liner for WSM 155mm wear ring 42.95
Bored Reduction Nozzles
SuperJet or Blaster 144mm non-trim reduction nozzles
Standard no trim style Bored 144mm SJ/B1 Reduction Nozzle 119.
144-148mm trim reduction nozzles
Thrust trim reduction nozzle 144-148 $149.95
86.5mm bore
62t Bored trim reduction nozzle 169.
155-160mm trim reduction nozzles
155mm Bored Reduction trim nozzle 179.
5 deg up 155mm Bored Reduction trim nozzle 179.
Steering nozzles
OEM 61x new no-trim steering nozzle $82. sale 75.85
OEM 61x clean, used no-trim steering nozzle 39.95
OEM steering nozzle bolts/stainless bushings, used $8./set
OEM SJ 08-20 62t new trim steering nozzle $114.95 sale 99.80
OEM 62t clean, used trim steering nozzle 49.95
OEM new for Thrust trim 144 steering nozzle $71.85
Thrust aluminum trim steering nozzle 159.95
OEM trim ring bolts/stainless bushings, used $8./set
OEM steering nozzle bolts/stainless bushings, used $8./set
Pro Tec aluminum trim steering nozzle 179.95 (discontinued/1 left in stock)
Trim systems and parts
Thrust, RRP and Xmetal:
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