Absoutely..... I totally agree. These rides are time consuming and believe it or not costs the organizers $$$$ out of their pockets..... If you don't have the time or money - you most certainly should see if someone else can handle the organizing and still keep the ride what it was always meant to be.....Friends getting together all over the country to enjoy each other, enjoy the sport they love and ride!!!!:Banane01:
Of course.....I am assuming this is being done in the spirit of the ride and for all the right reasons......:biggthumpup:
Thank you Kathy....
I am still alot pissed about things that happend on this site..
This season, I will be taking a step back, so I dont give up.
I think that differences aside, and problems aside. Mark at full throttle
will give the rager the most attention if allowed to plan rager....
I dont have time... alot of people here said they would help ! thank you.
But to have a great event like we have been doing, it needs the attention.
I have had diferences with Mark... But I think he will give rager the most
attention... Lets put aside our differences.
Maybe I am wrong here... but alot of people dont have time or money,
and others do and are not allowed ?
For the riders by the riders ?