RE-confirming that refoaming is the worst job - UPDATE post 181

.I can damn well bet you if the footholds were thicker some sunny beach would come on here and complain that they were too thick and requierd massive amounts of glassing and fairing because they didn't flex when they were screwed down,you can argue that point all you want but deep down you know its the truth.:hitwithrock::thumbsdown:

Not if they are made to fit right in the first place. I've installed thicker footholds before and as long as they are close then you can flex them a bit to get them 100% After installing both thick and thin holds, I can't say that one was harder than the other.


cleveland's the internet. Why would you even for one second be personally bummed because two people you barely know in person are arguing online. :thinking:

I guess maybe two scrubs from this site I would say yeah. But that's not the case. Not that I'm personally upset. It's just silly to see


So long and thanks for all the fish
I'm fixed.

I glassed up the back of the broken foothold with 3 layers of biax, glassed it in and foamed it with Great Stuff, then turfed it. I also laid some glass inside the left one to hopefully prevent it from breaking too.

I used the newer 25mm 'plush' underpad. Never again. That stuff is way way harder to work with than the regular 25mm, plus feels double or triple the weight, and it's only mildly softer that I can tell. Maybe it will be more noticeable when I ride, but I stood on some regular 25mm and plush 25mm side by side and it was slightly noticeable.

Back on the water tonight hopefully!
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