refoam options?


this is on my agenda for the winter
and i plan to d like superjett did with his scupper in his last refoam job

i plan to use 4 lb us composites or maybe 3 lbs
I used the 3lb foam in my SJ. No internal reinforcements. I only put some 12oz biaxial cloth in the footwell for added strength, as well as into the footholds.

No issues so far. If I were to do it again, I would try the 4 lb foam if I wasn't doing any internal reinforcement. The 4 lb will give a little more support around the footholds.

However, like I said, I haven't had any issues with the 3lb foam.

cambo au

4 lb foam works for me

if you are going to try the packing foam i would pull one apart first to see what happens when it gets wet


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
I used the blue dow styrofoam. So far ski hasn't sank and I towed it once. I dont know crap about SJ's but its works great in my X2 and does not absorb water for S___. I left a 4oz piece floating in a bucket for 4months. Its still just as dry (a bit sun faded and moldy) but after cleaning it off and drying the surface scale still says 4oz. Good enough for me and its cheap.



I forgot!
I used the blue dow styrofoam. So far ski hasn't sank and I towed it once. I dont know crap about SJ's but its works great in my X2 and does not absorb water for S___. I left a 4oz piece floating in a bucket for 4months. Its still just as dry (a bit sun faded and moldy) but after cleaning it off and drying the surface scale still says 4oz. Good enough for me and its cheap.


the blue dow is the best IMO it also will leave a few voids to help drain water to your hull drains like mark said. I have used 4lbs, 1.2lbs and the dow. i am running semi dow foam/foamless with great success. just my 2 worthless cents.


High on jetskis.
i need some more opinions, ive almost got all the crappy green glue out and glass/smc prepped. keep in mind this is a surf battle boat and it will see plenty of abuse in the future. if i can get away with it being lighter than it was i will be stoked, shouldnt be hard considering the beachfront property that was developing back there.
should i go with..

2layers nytex(2layers med weight cloth 1 layer med mat), light foam.

2layers nytex, dow foam

2layers nytex, in-bag 2part

1 layer nytex, 3lb foam

1 layer nytex, 4lb foam

filled bondline and 4lb

idk what to do, all those options seem good.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I've put extruded polystyrene in my hull and am very happy with it.
Doesn't absorb water at all.


High on jetskis.
well im layin one layer.
i dont think thats strong enough without foam contact.. 2 or 3.
idk about the polystyrene, though its what i want.
When I added the 3lb foam to mine, I also put some 3/4" drains in the back of the hull as well. The plan is that if it starts to take on water again, it should start to settle to the bottom of the hull again over time. At least this way I SHOULD be able to drain some of the water out.

I used two lengths of 3/4" copper pipe pushed in the rear drain holes to keep two voids in the bottom of the hull. This way if water collects in the tray area again, it will have a little runway to drain out of. I used duct tape over the end of the pipe to seal it off from the foam when I poured it in. This worked well, but the tape stuck to the foam more than the pipe and stayed inside the hull. No big deal, I just have two small pieces of duct tape stuck inside there. I also tried lubing the copper pipe up with corn oil before pouring the foam. This was supposed to prevent the foam from sticking to the pipe, but didn't work at all. I had a heck of a time getting the pipe out. I ended up putting a piece of steel rod inside the ends of the copper pipe so I could get a set of vise grips clamped on really tight. Then I had to twist the pipe super hard to get it broken free from the foam and pull it out. If I were to do it again I would try a different type of grease that won't get dissolved by the two part foam. In the end it worked out quite well.


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Suckin paint fumes
Saint Louis MO
the blue dow is the best IMO it also will leave a few voids to help drain water to your hull drains like mark said. I have used 4lbs, 1.2lbs and the dow. i am running semi dow foam/foamless with great success. just my 2 worthless cents.

I got the pink. is ther a diff?


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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Didn't know if it happened, but I thought someone on here was considering using ping pong balls. Sounds good. Light weight, sealed air, no mess. I have to refoam mine this spring and was considering all options. The 3M stuff sounds good.
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