Ride Daytona Article

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No he will not!
I like you Tursiops!

And I like the idea of an online mag to cover our parties. The only real problem I see is if it is based on contributions of articles to stay afloat, somebody will have to always be chasing down those stories. You know how people tend to fall off a band-wagon once it's been on the trail for a while...

If there is a person that will acutally take on the role and keep it moving forward, then I have no doubt it will work. You know, 'you just hold the horns, I'm humping this goat' kind of attitude :smile:


Maybe I'm biased, but I felt like the picture selection was weak, and obviously favored east coast riders. Several west coast riders came out and threw down, HARD....and there was nothing. Mike Serlin, Cong, and Christian were the talk of the beach at times, but there are pictures of someone standing on the beach over their ski and a guy rolling in the water. And lets not forget the family photos and pre-teen puppy love. :dunno:

The caption on one picture of Pete inacurately names the rider as John Havel, but on the next page has a quote from Pete on one of his pictures. They didn't notice that it was obviously the same person in both pictures? That's sloppy editing.

And to stick with the topic of sloppy editing....."Kris and Fab - No one ever got their last names." What!? C'mon, Kris is a regular poster at x-h2o, and has a myspace account that's checked fairly often. I don't totally expect the folks at ride to know that, but some pretty simple detective work would have produced an answer.:rolleyes:

I know Pete's going to jump on me and point out that it costs some thousands of dollars a page and they hook us up for free.....but I call BS on that one. The freeride aspect of our sport is taking off like a runaway train. The momentum has started, and it would be a serious mistake for the magazines to NOT print our articles. I agree that some coverage is better than none, but I'm not easily willing to accept mediocrity from an organization who is supposed to be representing our interests.

I feel like the promotion of our sport is a team effort. Everyone involved in this industry has some roll to play in it's success. As far as I'm concerned, Ride didn't pull their weight with this one.

All that being said.....I didn't go to Daytona with the sole intent of getting a magazine shot. I had a great time at the event, and will do it again next year. But I would be lying if somewhere in the back of my head I wasn't excited about a possible new bullet for a resume after all the kind words I got on the beach -

Unfortunately for those trying to get their names out there right now, it seems you'll have to take a back seat to the small group of riders in the AWA camp and pre-teens.

Um.... what was that Takeastand.... Please re-read.

I was making a general reference, out of respect I shouldn't have used that as an example. The person I actually lost respect for doesn't even post on here as far as I know. Anyway enough of this thread jack, I was just trying to say the East West thing shouldn't have been brought up. I do see Jerry's point and think his intentions were good, he was disappointed in an article and who wouldn't be? We want to see flips, rolls, carnage, thongs, etc. He didn't say AWA was bad just the article sucked.

some of that set me off....
I agree with him on some of the editing could be alot better... but knocking us right of the bat.. and we should bow down that you guys showed up and threw down hard....

Here is an example for you Jerry.... I have pulled 1 3/4 barrels and rode away... but did not call that a complete double... there is video of it...
But mike pulls a half arse one and he is praised... He got 1 3/4... I did not see more and studyed the crap out of it...


Pine Beach, NJ
Would anyone be willing to contribute to a periodic publication online? Kind of like XMI was, but free, and in electronic form only to begin with?

I'm sure we could do something with as many talented/enthusiastic/passionate people we have on here.

Heck, even just a freeride blog to start with. I can set that up fairly easily and if it goes far enough, we start publishing it somehow. Maybe a new thread for this?

I will be shooting like crazy this year, and would love to be a part of this. I am no word smith, but I will contribute with images, and details, if someone will do the writing.


Ann Arbor
why does everyone have to compete over who does or did what? let your riding speak for itself guys... Look at Jk and his modest/humble attitude


why does everyone have to compete over who does or did what? let your riding speak for itself guys... Look at Jk and his modest/humble attitude

Sorry. I jsut tried to make a point of the double thing...

looks like pms coming in about online mag....
see something good coming from this. :biggthumpup:


More Brap Please
south jersey
If someone wants to get recognized at an event maybe That person should take the time to call the magazines and make all the arrangements themselves before the event takes place.

Nick worked for months to get the Daytona Freeride together and did a great job.


I gave Mike props for that double roll, and he wasnt even happy with it..... he didnt vote for himself to win the sick trick contest..... relax Bro:biggthumpup:

I did not mean it like that... I went over to hot water tour guys and said that was 1 3/4 solid and he rode out, that is kick arse.....

In jerry post it was that he was going so huge and got nothing for it.
I ment to show that we have both gotten 1 3/4 and I have not
made a point to say anything... as far as I am concerned. I did not do it.

It was just a point when takeastand was talking about east coast west coast thing, and the not getting credit....

I voted for him.... He deserved it.... He hoped on someone elses ski, foothold and no strap and did 1 3/4.... I give that :hail: :Banane01: :arms: .
SOrry. I dont explain things very well...


I think its gone to far.. I am at fault as well.. Sorry.

Lets make good from this...

We have people wanting to do the online mag.

and we also have Chris Manthos (AWA) going to do more on coverage !



I'm goin' for two
San Diego, CA
Like I mentioned before....I was too personal in my first post. And that was wrong of me. My intention wasn't to bash any single rider at all. In no way shape or form do I think Nick, Pete, or Paul are undeserving of their coverage.

The comments about the "AWA camp" were out of line, and ended up sounding worse typed out than they did in my head. I don't actually believe that there is some conspiracy towards the west coast - I more thought it was just a matter of the Ride guys being more familiar with the guys who got press. As Ronny pointed out, that's not how it works.....and I now have a better understanding of that.

WaveDemon put it much more tactfully than I did. As he said, "so many great riders and we didn't get to see them in the magazine." Stoyer and Havel are two east coasters I was looking forward to seeing in the mag. Both got shots, but the choice of pictures wasn't a very good representation.

I'm sorry this turned into an east vs. west thing, it was not supposed to be that. I accept partial responsibility for that, I should have chose my words more carefully.


havin fun
clearwater FL
tursiops93;226337on said:
this thread seems to be so out of character for everyone on this site and in this sport.

I have been accepted and welcomed like I have been here all along. It doesn't appear that any of this bickering will result in anything positive. This sport will grow more with suggestions, not bickering.

welcome-sorry it seems like a family of brothers always fighting here. you are right- here its madness- on the water its all good.

The only real problem I see is if it is based on contributions of articles to stay afloat, somebody will have to always be chasing down those stories. You know how people tend to fall off a band-wagon once it's been on the trail for a while...

If there is a person that will acutally take on the role and keep it moving forward, then I have no doubt it will work.

this is the reason I suggested multiple writers. how many ride groups do we have? how many events are already set up? you mean to tell me one person in each of those groups/ events can't write a paragraph? or take on pic? with multiple inputs there will always be coverage and since it can be anybody at anytime, its not like one person has to do all the work all the time.

I will be shooting like crazy this year, and would love to be a part of this. I am no word smith, but I will contribute with images, and details, if someone will do the writing.

thank you for stepping up to the plate!

Look my whole idea was just that it can be set up in mag format with only positive input and articles to run the gammut. so newbies as well as pros can find something of interest. and the best part is its not for discussion. its only an article you can go piss and moan in a post of your won. This is simply to represent what we do and how we do it. all this junk does not represent the days we all have with our friends riding and having a good time sharing the one thing we have in common. the ski or the sport.

I simply wanted to be able to take all the great stuff, pics, info , how to, etc and condense it into a read only page. no bs, just something that someone who knows nothing about watecraft can read and really see what its all about . THAT is how you show the image we all are complaining we don't feel the public sees! Nick knows or talks to the lifeguards on the beach( i'm totally guessing) and they know who he is and what he is about, and obviously they trust his ability to have an event. if they used this site as a quick pic of what we are like it would not have happened. but if the freeride was used as the model for our behavior then we are welcome to come anytime- why? who the hell knows? we are not who we are on here it seems.

I have some legwork to do but I think with some help I can make this happen.

I also don't know squat about the internet but I can't make a whole other site, and I don't want ot make any more work for the great peeps who own/operate this one.

low or no extra site work
just information- no bickering
set up like a skate mag- tips tricks, industry profiles, up and comers, ride groups, event coverage.

for the people BY the people. representing our sport.
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Like I mentioned before....I was too personal in my first post. And that was wrong of me. My intention wasn't to bash any single rider at all. In no way shape or form do I think Nick, Pete, or Paul are undeserving of their coverage.

The comments about the "AWA camp" were out of line, and ended up sounding worse typed out than they did in my head. I don't actually believe that there is some conspiracy towards the west coast - I more thought it was just a matter of the Ride guys being more familiar with the guys who got press. As Ronny pointed out, that's not how it works.....and I now have a better understanding of that.

WaveDemon put it much more tactfully than I did. As he said, "so many great riders and we didn't get to see them in the magazine." Stoyer and Havel are two east coasters I was looking forward to seeing in the mag. Both got shots, but the choice of pictures wasn't a very good representation.

I'm sorry this turned into an east vs. west thing, it was not supposed to be that. I accept partial responsibility for that, I should have chose my words more carefully.

werd up brotha....


havin fun
clearwater FL
Would anyone be willing to contribute to a periodic publication online? Kind of like XMI was, but free, and in electronic form only to begin with?

I'm sure we could do something with as many talented/enthusiastic/passionate people we have on here.

Heck, even just a freeride blog to start with. I can set that up fairly easily and if it goes far enough, we start publishing it somehow. Maybe a new thread for this?

I don't know what XMI is/was, and have never blogged, but just to see if this can work, IF I can get it started, is there a possiblity of a new thread and if it gets too big or there is a problem spin it off to somewhere else? Is there a lot of hassle to making it where it is only the article and not open for comments, etc?

Like I said- I want the least amount of work with maximum effect so if there is a better easier way and it is open to all who care to write in I am all ears.
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