ROLL CALL, Who is in?

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1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
I was going to machine the squish after doing a volume recalabration for more downward force to match max octain mix, at $5.80 gal@ 110 octain using a cad program........ or simply follow engine builder LPW.
well I seem to be late to this party... I will try to be there with a friend of mine the later part of saturday, got other plans that evening, and may return on sunday. How many people stay for sunday, and is the riding enough to come back for? Thanks.

Will be on a Kawi STX-15F Red. I drive a jeep, and have put in at Public Boat ramp 1 or 2 whichever it is, and have ridden in that area. It can be very dangerous, and very awesome at the same time. You need to know how to handle your ski pretty well if you get into the big traffic.
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Your welcome to come out. If you know that area then you already know the answer to "and is the riding enough to come back for?" YES it is. IF you like jumping boat wakes, hanging out and having a good time. Then you should come.

We are driving almost 300 miles to come jump wakes.
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