Super Jet Roseand's simple SN build. Reinforcing, foam, engine rebuild, & all the good stuff.


The Weaponizer
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Haha nice scraggly! I would be working on my ski but I've been so busy.. Koozies, school, etc.. Hope to get it completed before the season starts!

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The Weaponizer
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Are you doing it for free? aha
I like doing it too, but not when I'm in a rush and have a million other things to do that are more important than my own ski. Second semester senior year is killing me right now. AP calc & college writing(semi online dual credit class) take up a decent bit of time!! 1 week till I'm in florida :). I'm ready for a break.
Plus these koozies really take up quite a bit of time.
Yeah I work cheap or free most the time. It's real close to home so it's not to hard to work on when I have time. I understand. I took 12 hours when I was still a junior and senior in school. It's time consuming. And didn't help I changed majors after graduation so they didn't even count it much.


The Weaponizer
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Yeah I work cheap or free most the time. It's real close to home so it's not to hard to work on when I have time. I understand. I took 12 hours when I was still a junior and senior in school. It's time consuming. And didn't help I changed majors after graduation so they didn't even count it much.
Ohh okay! Yeah stuff like that's not too hard. Just time consuming, and as long as you're not in a can be relaxing.
What do you mean "I took 12 hours"?


The Weaponizer
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Ohh okay. So basically you mean just 12 college credits?
I've got 6 in Spanish, will have 6 in English 101,102? Whatever the first year of English is.
And depending on how I do on the AB calc exam that'll determine my math credits. I'm gonna take calc one again in college tho just cuz I want to have it completely mastered since it's important for engineering.

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Yes. They pertained more to what I thought I would study not gen eds so I got the credits and did the work just didn't help me finish any earlier like I was hoping.


The Weaponizer
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Ahh I see. Yeah hopefully my Spanish transfers as humanities, but I don't really have prereqs like a normal college has, since at MSOE (Milwaukee school of engineering), everything is pretty much based off of engineering. They get you into the program fast.

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Sounds like a good school. Mine was similar. I actually attended three different ones all on one big campus via satellite campuses. A tech school, community collage, and a uk engineering satellite. Gave me what I needed to do what I love.


The Weaponizer
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Sounds like a good school. Mine was similar. I actually attended three different ones all on one big campus via satellite campuses. A tech school, community collage, and a uk engineering satellite. Gave me what I needed to do what I love.
Ohh wow that's cool.
Yeah, I'm interested in this school since it gets you into engineering quicker, small class sizes so I can actually go talk to the professor if I need help (that's important to me for hard classes), it's close for me to commute to, and extremely good job placement afterwards. It's gonna be expensive, but should be worth it. We've looked into doing a combo of tech/community schools then MSOE for 2 years, but all 4-5 years at MSOE is better since everything is engineer driven from the beginning. Crazy that I'm thinking about college already.. Huge new chapter of my life.

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The Weaponizer
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Finally got back to working on my ski! Got a new order of koozies to ship and sell as well.
So today, I made some templates of the openings I have to cover in the tray and gunwales. Then I cut out some 1208 biax, laid it on wax paper, and wet it out. It takes forever to wet out when you try to conserve resin! Had to mix up a few batches to get it all saturated. The 1208 biax from us composites has a loose weave that's like impossible to stay perfect and not stretch, but it should work for what I'm doing. The tray piece is some 1208 that tom21 got me, and it's tightly stitched and doesn't come apart, and is awesome to work with. No frayed out edges ever with his.
Glass cut out:

Glass wet out:

I also came home to find a nice surprise :)
My cylinders came back from PHP! I sent them in all dirty with that oem yamaha paint and water passages full of corrosion..

When I opened the box, I couldn't believe they were my cylinders LOL. All bead blasted and nice, clean water passages, beautiful! Wasn't expecting that when all I was paying for was a bore hone and chamfer.
Sure look alot better than before!
look at those clean water passages ;), and nice gasket surfaces!
And then the nice bore job!

Thanks a ton @powerhouseperformance @Tommygunz!
I'm super impressed.

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The Weaponizer
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Happy to take care of ya! We are very meticulous:) From paint jobs to motors to complete builds, we go the extra mile!
I will definitely have some work done by you guys in the future!! :)

So I went to checkout my glass panels, and they're pretty much cured already. US composites 3 to 1 medium hardener, and in about 50 degree weather. They're still a little flexible and not completely hardened, but not really tacky. Was able to take them off the wax paper flawlessly, none of it stuck. Test fit them on my ski, and they hold their shape and will overlap the gaps perfectly when I do some trimming. This is going to make glassing the tray super easy!! I'm extremely busy finishing up senior year, but I'll be able to start glassing the tray and holds in probably this week or next weekend. Still have to do some sanding and prep first. I'm going to bring the rest of my engine parts over to my house, and setup a spot in the basement so I can work on it when I have time. Still got tons to do!! And koozies to ship..


The Weaponizer
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Well I'm not sure on how much work I'll be getting done on my ski this weekend! Koozies to get out & got a lot of schoolwork to do. Plus...My leveling kit for my truck comes tomorrow :). Will be doing the brakes & installing the leveling kit either saturday or sunday for sure. Then it'll come time to slap some bigger tires on :)
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