Sank my first ski!


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX's what happened. We were all out at Lewisville chasing a pretty good size cruiser yesterday, and I wiped it on a decent nose stab. Climbed back on and my battery wouldn't turn my engine over. We were quite a ways out from our cove. After 20 minutes of floating there, Gorilla Dave's friend showed up on a couch. (thank god for couches!!) Before he showed up while I was floating there, I realized that my new tow loop for my ski was still in my toolbag in my truck. My other loop busted at Texoma when I was getting a tow when my steering cable broke. I took my limiter rope off and managed to get it fed through my bow eye. It was kind of windy, and we didn't make it 50 yards before she started going down. Anyways....after it seemed like forever of dragging my SN totally submerged, we made it in. I was so worried about that thin limiter rope breaking and my ski becoming a fish condo!
We took the hood off, dumped the ski, pulled the plugs and dried her out. The front cylinder was full!
It fired up!!:hail:I want to thank the group. This was my first sunk ski and I was kinda sheetin' my pants! I appreciate the knowledge on what to do in order to save my motor and get right back out there. Big :biggthumpup:.
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The Good Old Days
Good job on getting it running right away.
Now that she's safe at home,
pull the plug that's on the e-box and check for moisture,
make sure there is no water in the fuel tank,
spray some fogging oil down the carbs just in-case.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Awesome and welcome to Ski sinkers anonymous,I'm one of the charter members but wait I'm not just a member I am a participant as well,just last week I sank my ski twice!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
its a little nerve racking the first time ;)

next time you wont even break a sweat lol

I'm not so sure on that one ,I did break a sweat walking 2 miles back to the truck then the next day I broke a sweat swimming across the lake lol.:bananapowerslide:


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
Good job on getting it running right away.
Now that she's safe at home,
pull the plug that's on the e-box and check for moisture,
make sure there is no water in the fuel tank,
spray some fogging oil down the carbs just in-case.
When I got home last night I pulled the plugs and sprayed a little more wd-40 into the cylinders and fired it back up for a minute. I took the plugs out and covered the engine with a tshirt. (good...bad?)
I checked the fuel tank and my ebox. They seem to be good.
Not sure I can say that I"m proud to be part of the group! LOL! But I'm sure it was bound to happen some time, and this won't be the last!:lightning:
It did scare the hell out of me when she started going down since I was out so far. Figured if it did, I would never get it back.
But now that it's over....doesn't seem like such a big deal. Still sucks...but that's all part of it I guess!


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
like bilge pump maybe?
ive sank... twice i can remember.

why did it flood is it just the sn hood or what?
Got a bilge pump.
It was windy and when we started towing it the waves just kept rolling over the top of the ski. My battery was dead, and the pump just simply couldn't keep up. It was a LONG tow in pretty big chop.


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
if it completley sank without bobing the rear end, then your foams waterlogged.
When we were pulling it, it would drop under. If we were at a stop, the back bobbed. It's brand new foam. I just redid the ski over the winter, and trust me....everything is sealed tighter than a baby's ass. Pardon the expression.
dont worry im apart of sinkers anonymous but i didnt sink it (couch) my brother-in-laws friend did 350lbs. of weight and crashing waves did when he was tring to get back up on sank like the titanic! skiers on the beach got me up and running again (thanks to thoes @ corsons inlet) were all frends know. and i would be glad to tow anyone of them in at any time if thay needed it.....
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