
WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Yes but compared to stock / oem quality, you are getting ripped off!

Its a price point and warranty issue, for example I have a customer with a Yami 1200r , it has a dead engine which needs a full rebuild, I can build him an engine, of that there is no doubt. What I cannot do is build him an engine for $1595.00 or give him a one year no fault warranty on an engine that I do build. This engine has three dead cylinders,even replated thats $200.00 a piece plus three pistons, a crankshaft,three power valves a set of crankshaft seals, a set of gaskets and a set of waveeater clips and labor to disassemble and reassemble, no way to build that particular engine for $1595.00.


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Its a price point and warranty issue, for example I have a customer with a Yami 1200r , it has a dead engine which needs a full rebuild, I can build him an engine, of that there is no doubt. What I cannot do is build him an engine for $1595.00 or give him a one year no fault warranty on an engine that I do build. This engine has three dead cylinders,even replated thats $200.00 a piece plus three pistons, a crankshaft,three power valves a set of crankshaft seals, a set of gaskets and a set of waveeater clips and labor to disassemble and reassemble, no way to build that particular engine for $1595.00.

Yup, kinda cant beat that 1 year no fault on the short blocks and cranks. The other side is if a SBT crank goes out and takes out your cases or pistons/top end that suks too.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Guys I hate to burst your bubble here but the price break on an engine from SBT is about $100.00 , it will cost pretty much that amount to reship and engine, same way with a crankshaft.
your better off just spending the extra $ and getting a oem product
i have put in several sbt motors like wfo says i have also had to replace a few of them ....some almost instantly 1st or 2nd time on the water
its always a rod bearing gone bad , looking @ it from the intake but the tech @ sbt always says oil pump failure ,even if its premixed i always get the same responce
now i have also put in several without any problems
and i have seen several that worked out fine just dont have the fit and finish as oem!
ill never put sbt in my ski

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I won't be running an SBT in my ski either , I build 95% of the engines that come through here broken, every once in a while I have to put in an SBT engine. Its a crapshoot really I have some that have held up way beyond what I could have imagined and several that have crapped out prematurely, thing is sometimes like on this 1200r their really is no other viable option.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
Do you know how much they make and how many returns they get? I don't, but I do know the sling a TON of motors ever day.

yes, they certainly do. Just about every time I see someone buy one, they complain about it falling apart, or substandard parts, compression issues, cracked manifolds, trashy bearings, etc... it's made me rethink about ever buying one. no fault warranty, or otherwise. I would rather just build my own, that way if it screws up because I "skimped" on parts, I can be pissed off at myself, not someone in :dunno:


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I bet for every problem you hear about, there are hundreds of motors w/o problems. Just sayin.

Exactly.. if not thousands...
There are tons of threads on here with people abusing their crankshafts and they still keep working. I have ran a couple SBT cranks and they lasted a long time and IMO are just as good if not better than the Hot rods cranks that are make in Taiwan.
I ran one for 2 years in a ported 84mm 61X cyl. w/62T cases 200 Lbs. comp. MSD TL/ B pipe, dual blackjack 44's etc. and it was a champ!
I think some just like to jump on the "bad wagon"..
Now the SBT of 15 years ago was crap, I can attest to that.

OEM crank is the best, but the price of a SBT is very affordable.
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