Surfriding Shark Questions

Are you guys ever scared of sharks being out there? My parents used to surf when we lived in CA (moved away when I was 6 though) and they said you just try not to think about them since they're around. Do you try not to float in the water very long? When me and my buddy ride, a lot of the time we just float in the water talking, do you try not to do that? Does the sound of the engine scare sharks away?

On a side note, if you fall off, do you have a lanyard like a surfboard so the ski won't get sucked away by the waves? And if you fall off in the waves do you just risk having the ski get banged up on the beach?

-Curious flat water me
We do have 2 roles in the food chain, even though most will only ever experience 1 (I hope)!

They are there, but probably want nothing to do with us. Still, I don't usually just float the conversation for the beach!

Oh, and don't let go of your ski (no leash) in the surf. There are times it can't be helped, but I'm amazed at how many people I see bail and throw their ski....My goal is to never let go.....although I usually bail at least once about every other year......hey, I said was a "goal".

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I ride with a Tiger and as many of you already know, the Tiger is the sharks natural enemy. :biggrin:


P.S. If my wife is reading this, he was just kidding. There are no sharks where we ride. I know there are some fish there that do look a little like sharks but it is just like I told you before, those are just Dolphins with Downs Syndrome and nothing to worry yourself about.
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As long as you don't have chunks of chum tied to your ski when you float it not a problem 99.999999% of the time. Look at surfing where your in the water for hours and hours, I have only been bumped once in a very sharky area in the Caribbean but have seen hundreds of sharks surfing over the years most of the FL sharks you see are under 6' ,,,, but I wouldn't ride the islands off SF , a friend did some shark tagging there and it F'n nuts .


Sweet Baby Ray's Sucks
Daytona Beach
If i see one, i jump on its back to see how long i can ride it. They love it when you do that. its like an ocean rodeo.

Ive only been riding surf for a few years, but ive only ever seen one shark. it's probably because im not looking for them and most of my attention is on riding. I have ridden in a lake down here and i saw plenty of gators, but they never bother you.


Nothing to worry about..hundreds of people surf or swim everyday w/o any problems..I've surfed/dived/jetskied/floated around my whole life in waters where there are sharks big enough to eat you..I'd be more worried about dying in a car crash on the way to the beach..

Midlake Crisis

Site Supporter
Bakersfield, CA
If i see one, i jump on its back to see how long i can ride it. They love it when you do that. its like an ocean rodeo.

Ive only been riding surf for a few years, but ive only ever seen one shark. it's probably because im not looking for them and most of my attention is on riding. I have ridden in a lake down here and i saw plenty of gators, but they never bother you.

Here is a pic of KC at the last freeride
Are you guys ever scared of sharks being out there? My parents used to surf when we lived in CA (moved away when I was 6 though) and they said you just try not to think about them since they're around. Do you try not to float in the water very long? When me and my buddy ride, a lot of the time we just float in the water talking, do you try not to do that? Does the sound of the engine scare sharks away?

On a side note, if you fall off, do you have a lanyard like a surfboard so the ski won't get sucked away by the waves? And if you fall off in the waves do you just risk having the ski get banged up on the beach?

-Curious flat water me

no leash..good way to get yourself drowned...

surf rule #1..never let go

dont get inbtween the shore and your ski in breaking will F you up

floating is fine..if something bumps you, its time to go

the tiger IS the sharks natural enemy!


High on jetskis.
Are you guys ever scared of sharks being out there? My parents used to surf when we lived in CA (moved away when I was 6 though) and they said you just try not to think about them since they're around. Do you try not to float in the water very long? When me and my buddy ride, a lot of the time we just float in the water talking, do you try not to do that? Does the sound of the engine scare sharks away?

On a side note, if you fall off, do you have a lanyard like a surfboard so the ski won't get sucked away by the waves? And if you fall off in the waves do you just risk having the ski get banged up on the beach?

-Curious flat water me
you wont have any time to think about sharks, your focusing way too much on the waves and other riders. its not something you worry about unless it s your time of the month haha
number one rule, dont let go. but i know a few riders that would really befefit from a leash. and no its not dangerous, its a thin plastic line held on by velcro, if you cant figure that out, well you suck.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
never understood the float around and talk in the surf thing.... save it for the beach, you are only in the way causing a potential hazzard

Perhaps, but you are causing a potentially tasty hazard for someone.

From the beach I normally ride:

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i love shark spotting! daytona isnt the clearest water but whenever i ride down south near jupiter or below its crystal clear. you can spot sharks quite often and kind of see their behavior from your ski or from anything you are doing because its so clear. i rode in front of coral cove one day with my wife on a couch and i honestly couldnt count fast enough to see how many sharks were in the area. i then tried snorkeling alongside other people there and they werent in sight for an hour of snorkeling around the reef.
Also im not the most cautious person when it comes to the buddy system and having properly running equipment when i go out and ive spent many hours broke down floating or attempting to swim in from inlets and never seen anything that would concern me.

this heavyweight tarpon would have done more damage if he was in line with me more than the average sharks :)

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