

Matakana Menace
WaveDemon said:
Gators are like big teddy bears, they like to cuddle. There are gators in every lake in florida, I don't even think about them when I ride...


I fear families on couches soing 180's, 300lb bass fishermen, and my barrel roll technique, in that order.

Gators and Sharks are just interested in freestyle and like to watch!:arms: :headbang:


Royal Flush said:
I've only seen one so far---about a three or four footer though.

There were three "attacks" up here in the Panhandle (Destin, Cape San Blas, and Port St. Joe) last year. They just had an update on the kid from Tennessee who was the Port St. Joe victim. He had to have his right leg amputated due to the injuries he suffered. :frown:

He was fishing (wading) and had bait tied off to his shorts if I remember correctly, so the shark was just following its natural instincts, IMO.



Just plain me....
SJBrit said:
Hah! That's nothing! I'll take your sharks and sturgeon and your muskies, and I'll raise you 2 drunk rednecks in a bass boat! Those suckers can grow to well over 300lbs, and can take your ear right off with their sharp hooks! They're very aggressive and often attack without provocation.
Yep & some even pull loaded guns at you:scared:


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
we have alot here on the gold coast
there wa s afew together once i actually aimed my ski at them and tried to hit them
they splashed big time and took off
it was on flat water so i was in no danger of falling off
but the person beside me on there ski looked very worried
We ride with tons of sharks. Bulls, spinners, white & black tips, reef, nurse, NY'ers. They never scare me and I've been known to jump in the water when they are around...they truely are more scared than us humans.

I am however scared ****less of Gators! That must be why I hate ridding in fresh water so much (besides it being flat).

(Picture is my SJ at the airport ;))


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TXJFrosty said:
Most of those pics are fakes...

I only saw sharks one time while jetskiing in Orange Beach, AL... about 12-15 bull sharks ..

Steer clear of those guys.......bull sharks are nasty, much more so than a normal shark. They have achually been found 800+ miles up the Missippi River.
h2odesperado said:
is that pic real? hmmmm... that shadow looks fishy to me...

I like your graphics though (on the SJ)

1) Well, the ski and gator are real...I just photoshopped them together ;)

2) I designed the graphics and cut them on a 40" roland vinyl plotter. This was my 3rd and still current design. I was going to offer it in a kit form but there are already too many others out there doing this.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
SJBrit said:
Hah! That's nothing! I'll take your sharks and sturgeon and your muskies, and I'll raise you 2 drunk rednecks in a bass boat! Those suckers can grow to well over 300lbs, and can take your ear right off with their sharp hooks! They're very aggressive and often attack without provocation.

Yes, and unlike sharks and gators....rednecks have a natural hatred for PWCers.....even more so for those teaching mentally ill childeren how to fish:bs2: :bs2: :bs2: :bs2:

If you guys only knew that story
as said the second pic is a dolphin, the one with the chopper is fake, it was a photoshop with a pic of a great white breaching (we actually did the documentry on that at seal island south africa)

the last pic i amn pretty sure is real, it came out of a local mag here in south africa, the pic was taken from a road overlooking the sea there in cape town.

and cape town is known for its great whites!

personally me and sharks, only whislt diving thankfully, wouldnt personally want to have my balance on a superjet reviewed at that time :)


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
We see dolphins here in Cali. But we pollute the water so much that it kills all wildlife within 3 miles of the shore. I'm more scared of getting a bacteria infection!

But really, we will ride the surf for a bit and then head out just beyond the break to rest for a few min. Usually just for a few min sitting backward in the tray. Sometimes the thought crosses my mind, but usually doesn't bother me much.

A year or so ago, 2 sharks were spotted a couple miles north of where we ride. Estimated at like 10-12 feet long. There were a couple phots in the paper of the sharks within 10 feet of some surfers. I'll see if I can dig up those pics, this was in San Onofre.
A couple days later we were ridding in Oside when Siki's ski broke down. He hung out side the break for a little bit before we towed him back. I think he was sitting ontop of the ski while he was waiting!


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
there was more of an aireal shot somewhere but I couldn't find it. This was actually in August of 04, where does the time go?


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