Super Jet Ski Prices

Is it me, or is anyone else thinking this? I have been looking for a standup, and the prices people are asking on this site seem super inflated. Excuse me if people are actually getting what they are asking lately, but a boat with a 701 for 12k? A rattle can mid 90's sj with a 760 for 6k? Another clapped out superjet with a pieced together 760 for 6k????? Really? I entertain myself with these posts on here, but really...c'mon? Is this stuff worth this much to someone? I'd like to hear from some recent purchasers from here and why they did so. You would think they only made 250 oem superjets with the outrageous pricing I have seen here.
this is your first post? really?.... this sport aint cheap... once you buy your first ski and start putting all your money into it im sure you will post it up for sale later for as much as you can ... some ppl post up a high price becuase if someone actually "lowballs" them for what they really want then in the end they will be happy... but if someone posts "firm" on there price then dont bother offering a price. I take it you want to be the guy that get a "steal" and brag about it as well?? well 80% of a "Steal" your going to get a $#!tty ski that needs worked on because you didnt bother to take a close look into it and were more concerned about how cheap you were getting it for but in the end you got bent over... like i said this sport aint cheap if you want cheap look on craiglist in your area maybe pwctoday or even ebay...this is a freestyle site which means theres some stuff done to these skis that are worth more money then a stocker...
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I would like to see the post with an OEM SJ with a 701 for 12k. I have never seen that. If you are referring to the RN SJ with a 865 in it, yes might be a little high for an OEM hull, but not crazy.


20 years of stand up
Interesting anonymous first post.

Somethings worth as much as someone will pay for it. It only makes sense to start on the high side, I highly doubt a potential buyer would negotiate to pay a HIGHER price than what somethings advertised for (unless they're trying to outbid another potential buyer).
^Im with Slinden on this one, I wanna see the post of the 6k clapped out SJ...I just glanced the for sale section and the two skis for 6k were pretty nicely takes alot of money to build a the end the newb will get what he pays for...
DASA stroker $7000, Novi carbs 1700, Boyeseen Rad Valve intake $600. Professional hull reinforcement $1200,Factory Pipe $800, on and on. Dudes have a lot of dough in these boats. I have been saying how many great deals there are available right now, I currently ride what I thought was a "great deal" ( thanks man). Value is relative and when you start upgrading a boat you will soon realize that the one you thought was high priced was actually the route you should've taken. As far as newbie just cause he just joined doesn't mean he hasnt been involved. I just joined and was riding before reed motors, doesn't mean anything just saying. Find what suits you OP and be wary of dogging the pricing of ones boat.


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
its only worth what the seller and buyer can agree on... if you dont like the superjet prices buy an X2. or buy a skateboard and try that. air=money
its only worth what the seller and buyer can agree on... if you dont like the superjet prices buy an X2. or buy a skateboard and try that. air=money

Remember when any 19y/o burger flipper could get a new Superjet for $130/month. They were the ones providing me with nice 3-4y/o skis with all the A/M goodies for $700.


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
easy now kevbo, im only 23... but i would never buy a new one or take out a loan for one. i make a little more than a burger flipper though lol
when your on a forum thats all about the type of item your looking to buy, the classifieds will usually be a little spendy. This isnt craigslist where someone might not know what they got and you can pick up a creampuff for cheap cheap. Everyone here knows what they got, and knows what they can go for. I havnt seen too many out of the ball park prices on here though. On a Ford Bronco forum im on, yeah Ive seen some people think they got 6000lbs gold instead of 6000 pounds of rusty steal. lol.

I'm actually getting a kick out of people getting bent out of shape over the prices of stand ups lately. Recently, I have been on the sellers side. The most important factor is the buyers. They are the ones making the choice and paying the recent prices. For example, its not like a 1990 super jet is selling for 3000. They are going for around 1300 to 1600(around). Say for example you want to pay $550. One contributing factor is that 1400 is not a lot of money. There is real value there, fiberglass, aluminum, bearings, electrical... and its all together and maybe in working order. Trying to put one together from parts is very expensive. Supply and demand is very important. There are very few stand ups for sale as apposed to sit downs currently. To contribute to that, some manufacturer are limiting or even stopping the sale of them.
Side Note: Another example is the US car market. With sales of new cars down the demand of used cars is up. People want to buy a used car, there are less to go around because not as many people are buying new. Therefore, the prices for used cars are higher.
My experience: If you wanted to buy a used dirt bike, there is a huge supply. I mean, just look on craigslist, there are so many of them. I am trying to sell a crf250 for what I think is a fair price. However the interest is limited. For this reason, if I truly want to sell it. Which would be a good idea before winter comes. (seasons also alter pricing) I need to lower my price. This is an example of how the buyer sets the going price.
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Karma Enforcer
West Michigan
supply and demand. Here is Michigan, there is not much for sale and tons of wanted ads on CL for stand ups. So the prices have been going up here. A nice, clean sn sj here will go for 2-2.5K pretty easy. I have seen some stock rn go for 4K. If you want a cheap ski to work on a 550 is the route to go. If you want a ski to ride surf, jump waves, and do tricks on you're gonna spend some coin.
+1 on all of the above. I was trying to get a deal last fall on my first ski and spent $3100 on a modded 2002 SJ from PA that turned out to be a huge POS. Previous owner was a huge dumbass that half-assed everything on the ski. After spending several months rebuilding the ski from the ground up and putting in a new motor, I would gladly snatch up one of those nice skis in the FS section for $4-5k if I had to do it over. I also recently sold a nice clean modded 1993 650 SJ for $2300 to a buyer in Canada; I guess stand up prices up there are just rediculous.


X2 stole my life
Indialantic, FL
when your on a forum thats all about the type of item your looking to buy, the classifieds will usually be a little spendy. This isnt craigslist where someone might not know what they got and you can pick up a creampuff for cheap cheap. Everyone here knows what they got, and knows what they can go for.
This... you want to find a deal, a forum dedicated to what you're looking for isn't the place to be. Most of the complete skis I've looked at on here are priced pretty much right at what it would cost to build it yourself starting from a reasonable stock ski, and you save a lot of the labor and hassle sourcing parts.


Wake Whore
Calgary, AB
I also recently sold a nice clean modded 1993 650 SJ for $2300 to a buyer in Canada; I guess stand up prices up there are just rediculous.
There is a lot of truth to that. I went to Pheonix for my first ski as there were none up here for sale. Right now I know of none in Alberta for sale at any price. Last year I went to BC for a somewhat modified RN that I consider a good deal.

Having said that, it is not only the parts that are expensive to build, but the knowledge of how to put them together. When I bought the recent ski it was tuned up and ready to go- all parts were there and it was tuned. If it were me who added the factory pipe I would have to piss around tuning it. Especially for somebody who is new to the sport paying a little extra for a ski that does not hesitate and is ready to ride makes sense. You do not want to have to learn to rebuild carbs in August.


C@R H@ul3R
Try building those skis in the for sale section for what they're being sold for. I will NEVER build another ski, I will buy one that is turn key that someone else is taking a loss on. I just expirienced this building and now selling my Fx1. Im losing thousands. Theres skis on here that guys dump 30k into and then end up letting go for around 15k. You sound like one of those guys that just wants something for nothing. I deal with people like you all day, everyday. People like you suck!


Peter Waldron -doing jetski tricks
Tough chit Badmofofou! You gotta pay to play. I think I saw a Wavejammer for sale recently for $600. I'll try to get you his number. Ha ha ha


Arlington TX

Dollar says the OP is just trying to stir up poop. Don't feed the troll.
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