Custom/Hybrid ski security-what do you do?


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Given the recent theft and history of skis being stolen the past few years, I am wondering who does what to secure their ski while at a hotel?

I use a logging chain padlocked to truck bed anchors and my tow hook/bow eye and I have even ran it up and around my driveshaft for extra warm and fuzzies. I know it could be cut but it would take multiple cuts and be a huge, time consuming project.

Who can top it without an enclosed trailer?

I really want to hear because I want my ski as secure as possible.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
I have never done a thing, it just sits on the trailer or at the waters edge over night. guess I have been lucky or its a piece of junk SJ. :)


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
I was thinking storage unit for a month rental while in Daytona, but there does not seem to be any that will hold the trlr width.. I am tuned in for more ideas as well but we secure over drive shaft as well as to the trailer and eachother using cables.
These things get more and mor exspensive every year so lots to lose now days vrs the past.


see ya out there
Site Supporter
St Charles IL
At home I keep them locked up in my garage.. I don't allow my skis to sit outside

but @ Daytona I'm not sure what I'll do. Maybe carry ski into bedroom :)

i heard arts last year a few guys had their pumps stolen off skis...
punch in skilock on ebay and a bunch of great deals on locking devices come up. i have a bunch of the ones that lock the drive shaft to the trailer bunks thru the intake grate. any ski of mine with a bow hook, gets a paddle lock and cable/chain in it. if a thief wants your stuff, he's going to get it. the best you can hope to do is make it a less desireable item with chains , locks, cables. never leave your :):):):) laying around. you may get away with it many many times, but what if you dont. you'll be kicking yourself in the ass from then on.
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Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
I have insurance from wakezone. On the trailer just a master lock cable through front u bolt while traveling. But I have never left it at hotel overnight.

The best solution IMO is an enclosed trailer, unless you sticker it up nobody even knows what's in it. Safe hauling and secure storage.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


This Is The Way
Staff member
I keep mine in the garage when not riding, at freerides I wrap a cable lock up through the intake, around the driveshaft and back to the trailer. Like Buzz said, if they want it bad enough, they will get it, pretty much any measure over locking it down to the trailer is a waste of time, at least deter the thieves that just want to roll up, lift it into a truck and take off. Keeping your ski looking :):):):)ty works well too, especially when it is surrounded by nicer ones (you don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun your friend).
I keep both my jetskis and trailer in my garage.

When me and a friend went to the world finals this last year, we locked the jetskis to the trailer and we locked the trailer to a huge light pole at the hotel. Next year we will be sure to make this even more secure. This recent theft just shows "how easy" it is to steal one of these things. If one of my jetskis was stolen, I would be devastated..


Buy a Superjet
Glass in a gps track somewhere inconspicuous and be prepared to do justice your own way

Can you give some more info on what tracker you use? Also what do you track it with (your phone?) And if you try and track it right now how close is it? I tried to track my wife's phone as a test and it showed it being a few blocks away even though it was sitting next to me. =/


Jace Forest...BRAP!
Anytime I stay at a hotel with my ski on a open trailer I get a room on the ground, put my ski on my cart and wheel it into the room. I was always worried they'd just pop the hood and pull the parts inside


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I rented a house with two car garage one block from the Daytona event hotel wednesday night through sunday night. I could be talked into renting floor space for $20 per ski per night for a few. Pm me.
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My ski never leaves my eyes. I have yet to go to a freeride or anywhere where I have to leave it at a hotel over night. When I was making plans previously though, I was going to rent a small uhaul enclosed trailer. It's light enough for small cars to tow and it's lockable. With the uhaul, I think you can pay extra for insurance on trailer and whatevers kept in/on it. I know you can do that with the motorcycle trailer.. I towed a few pricey bikes that I took $10,000 insurance on. Luckily never had to find out if I need it. Perhaps the same can be done on the 4'x8' enclosed trailer
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