Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
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Granbury, TX
Oh......I totally get it! My son is now 25 and out of the house and I JUST NOW am starting to find time for old projects.
My daughter is turning 5 in 2 weeks and my son will be 3 in the first week of May. Our families are 4 hours away in different directions. We definitely have our hands full.


NE Tenn
Oh......I totally get it! My son is now 25 and out of the house and I JUST NOW am starting to find time for old projects.
Wait till he buys a house.You’ll be busy. Which is great quality time spent together. l have to say.Then your stuff goes on the back burner lol


manic mechanic
Twin Lakes AR
Wait till he buys a house.You’ll be busy. Which is great quality time spent together. l have to say.Then your stuff goes on the back burner lol
Even worse.........he bought an acre not 1/4 mile from me. Before winter I dug a footer and had some guys pour the concrete. Wife and I plan on laying the block foundation this spring/summer. Then if I can't find him a competant framer I guess next year we'll be building his house..........paid by the hour by my son of course!
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