Been a while since I did a update, this thread is not dead and this ski will get done one day! Life has been hella busy lately, my wife is due for our second kid, the due date was 5 days ago, so could be any minute now. Anyhow here is a little update on the ski, I have not touched any glass work in months, I started on the motor but was building it at my works shop and realized I had half my gaskets at home so never finished, and got a 46mm carb now rather than the 44mm I was gonna run, fully rebuilt and pumped the 46! That’s a real brief update of what going on, here the good part, some photos.

So that’s how far the motor is, running a new rebuilt sbt crank, on fully ported and epoxied 61x cases with new gaskets. Pistons are wsm platinum 1mm over bore. More motor pics to come soon...