Man wtf. Everyone and their mom wants to backflip and barrel roll but no one wants to learn
Stand ups have a high learning curve. It takes months just to learn how to carve correctly and not fall over 24/7. Why people think they need a factory pipe, intake grates, ride plates, 800cc+ motors, and all that boggles my mind. Money does not trump skill. You can throw 20k at your ski and do a backflip from power, but that doesnt add any skill to your game whatsoever, looks poserish IMO. The whole "Its just money" thing is hella lame, and makes most that cant ride look like douches. Serious
You cant tell someone how to roll, or stab. Everyone has there own technique and flair. You cant tell someone how to setup a wake, again eveyrone sets them up different and everyone hits them different. If you are asking how to do a barrel roll, you prob should practice riding more. I went from bunny hops, to subs, to broncos, to nose stabs, to now barrel rolls. Prob 200 hrs of ride time. No one showed me a thing. A barrel roll, for me, is not anything like doing a nose stab, its a totally different motion and way you throw your body, they are not alike at all.
I know all sports and hobbies have posers, but skis seem to get it the worst. Everyone thinks you gotta be rich, and gotta have a pretty ass ski. No one knows a damn thing about tech besides a few main members here. Everyone wants to be spoon fed. Ill do more on a beat to snot STOCK 701 squarenose than half the dudes with built to the hilt roundnoses with nice wraps and pretty paint.
Get out and ride and it will all come to you. Sack up, throw that ski, fall a BUNCH of times, get water up your nose, eyes, ass, sink the ski 4 times, blow up a couple engines, go broke buying gas, brake the trailer, then MAYBE you will have enough time in the tray to start attempting rolls.