Other So much for riding Lake Marion,SC anymore...

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I have been pretty good about shielding my wife from reports of sharks and shark encounters at our favourite surf spots but I never thought about the lake we ride at when we want a break from salt water.

Unfortunately she saw this on the news this weekend...


The good news is, we get to ride more surf now. That is as long as I can continue to intercept the shark attack pics ScottS insists on sending me. :sneaky:
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Be About It!
Wichita, KS
haha gotta be so scandalous just to ride. Is this what i have to look forward too when i get hitched!? I feel like you could probably outrun an alligator on a jetski..
Where i'm from we ride with alligators all the time. For the most part they avoid human interaction. It is when people start feeding them that causes problems. They become less afraid of humans and associate them with free food.


I remember laying in the water on a broke down 550,(in the St. Johns river) trying to get the attention of a bud for a tow. A 12 footer was less than 30 yards from me. I only noticed him cause he spooked at something. My riding bud was way off in the distance......

That was a long few minutes!

Sharks....gators....brain-eatin' protozoa....paddle-boarders....lol.


I don't like any of you!

Seriously though, have made it clear I'll take a shark over a gator any day, but why did they kill it? That's like killing John Isner! Why couldn't they catch it and let it have a new home, somewhere safe?


I don't like any of you!

Seriously though, have made it clear I'll take a shark over a gator any day, but why did they kill it? That's like killing John Isner! Why couldn't they catch it and let it have a new home, somewhere safe?

Because they were hungry? Needed some shoes? Or a purse?
Or, just maybe, they just wanted to know for sure that some 3 yearold girl wasn't gonna be eaten.


Because they were hungry? Needed some shoes? Or a purse?
Or, just maybe, they just wanted to know for sure that some 3 yearold girl wasn't gonna be eaten.

I don't agree with that reply (furs I am a bit different though, lol, and that didn't go over as well in Cali, LOL). I'm sure there are plenty of places 3 year old girls don't frequent.


I don't agree with that reply (furs I am a bit different though, lol, and that didn't go over as well in Cali, LOL). I'm sure there are plenty of places 3 year old girls don't frequent.

Gator threatens human=gator dies. That's even true here in Florida.

I don't have a problem with that.


Be About It!
Wichita, KS
We have some pretty big carp in our little private lake... and an occasional snake... Nothing 12 feet long tho!
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