So who wants a fully setup PWC shop in GA

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Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
What I have seen going on here is that people are dragging out boats that haven't been run in two ,three or four years,the gas prices do seem to actually be helping the industry.Its been an interesting year thus far because nothing that comes in here ran last year,lots and lots of carb cleaning and fuel line replacement,lots of new batteries being sold and lots of jet pump repairs.Anyone in the biz knows that quick service is the bread and butter of the business,anything that you can turn and burn in a couple of days is good.Major engine jobs pay well enough but you have disassembly,then you have to box it up ,order parts,have cylinders bored,unbox it ,then reassemble,all this while you are tripping over a dead boat and usually two boats because its on a double trailer.I personally will take quick service over engine building any day of the week,making over a $1000.00 a day is not unheard of this time of year with a steady supply of boats coming in..
when you work next door to SBT motor jobs are fast and make good money too. :icon16:
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