So who wants a fully setup PWC shop in GA

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Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Is that the guy been talking about putting a 800sxr motor in a x2 forever and now that he has the motor he just takied pics of it? what a poser :swordfight:

Hey Gil- guess what your lamey sucks

lots of 100LL and Klotz. Your right!!!


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Oh yeah, I'm there. It will be my ghost. But I'll be sure to haunt you and laugh when your boat is broken on the beach

Now c'mon, I wouldn't wish that upon u. Feel free to take jabs at Paul, but I am hoping u have a great year of racing!


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I KID I KID :twak:
your still not good at this:Banane19:

I'm workin on it. LOL

U know what we need now? something to laugh at. Where is Crammit with the you tube video 'can't we all just get along' ??? I don't care who u r, that was some really funny chit!!!
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