Someone please help me understand!!!


Creative RE Purchasing
john..we should be happy with the little exposure we get..there is no way there is enough people to buy a standup only mag and make it profitable, couchers (who actually buy the mag) dont want to read about standups anymore than you want to read about the latest in aqua socks or wax for your honda..i think PWI is doing a good job..there will be a full article on taylor's tahiti story in the next issue with him charging xl chopes, which dosnt really get any better than that....if you guys want to see more standup coverage, throw down some insane stuff and get some killer shots..they will run it :veryhappy:

well put


john..we should be happy with the little exposure we get..there is no way there is enough people to buy a standup only mag and make it profitable, couchers (who actually buy the mag) dont want to read about standups anymore than you want to read about the latest in aqua socks or wax for your honda..i think PWI is doing a good job..there will be a full article on taylor's tahiti story in the next issue with him charging xl chopes, which dosnt really get any better than that....if you guys want to see more standup coverage, throw down some insane stuff and get some killer shots..they will run it :veryhappy:

Actually his is right. Its people like Ronny Mac that helps keep an eye on the standup world, and in the mags.


I couldn't see myself spending another $80 to renew the subscription.

a new subscription is only $18.95..i dont know where you got 80$ from??..and if people bought subscriptions instead of complained about the mag then maybe they would cater more to our segment of the sport...or better yet write them a letter and tell then what you want to see as a subscriber
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
a new subscription is only $18.95..i dont know where you got 80$ from??..and if people bought subscriptions instead of complained about the mag then maybe they would cater more to our segment of the sport...or better yet write them a letter and tell then what you want to see as a subscriber

He is in Canada, I believe they do cost much more. There is a Mountain Bike Rag from England that is in the book stores. A year ago I picked it up with Mountain Bike Action, when the clerk gave me the total I about had a stroke, How much is that Mag??? "$17.00" Uh, No thanks.

I believe that it going across the boarder jacks it way up.


He is in Canada, I believe they do cost much more. There is a Mountain Bike Rag from England that is in the book stores. A year ago I picked it up with Mountain Bike Action, when the clerk gave me the total I about had a stroke, How much is that Mag??? "$17.00" Uh, No thanks.

I believe that it going across the boarder jacks it way up.

is that DIRT??..if so its a good mag

yea it looks like 65$ for international


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
I sent a $18.95 check to pwi Nov. 4, it cleared shorty after. I haven't received a mag yet, just a bill to pay $18.95 to begain my sub.-go figure? They are probley still mad at me since I sent them a letter back in '04 after the Nashville jam on there crappy coverage. They showed the same dumazz couchers over and over. One trailer park trash back seater was raiser her shirt. the artical read "such a family event" she was old/ the ski was old. Did I missout on any new waxes or grips!


Looking at the latest issues of these mags... I would appear the they prolly pay alot of Ronny Mac's bills and keep him doing what he does best and we love to enjoy. Ronny has pics in every one of the mags that I have gotten in the last 6 months.

Yep and ALLY writes some of the articles too.


Editor-in-Chief, The Watercraft Journal
Nashville, TN
Hey guys,

I realize that this reply is waaay overdue, but I wanted to come in here and clear up a couple things if I can.

For any of you who are missing issues of Personal Watercraft Illustrated and are current subscribers, contact me directly at with your contact info and I will personally make sure that you get your issues. Like I've said before, I don't like being screwed by a company any much as any of you do.

Going back to 227's original post, yes, mixing both sit-downs and stand-ups is as nonsensical as say, being able to purchase alcohol at a gas station. In fact, the eventual decline in PWC racing began with putting runabouts on the same course as skis, but I digress... Many have posted that separating the subject matter would create two pamphlets. You're pretty much right.

Magazines are kept alive by advertising dollars, not subscriptions. Believe it or not, for Personal Watercraft Illustrated, the cost of subscriptions pays for the issue itself. Advertising dollars is what pays my editorial department, my art department, and all the contributors and photographers who make PWI what it is today.

Stand-ups will always be a part of Personal Watercraft Illustrated's monthly content, be it freeride, freestyle, evaluations, or tech. In fact, I've been sitting on a '88 JS440 that I've been itching to do a project build on. Hell, I've even got old PJS mechanic Greg Beaver (owner of Circuit Jet Sports) wanting to dust off some old tricks for it.

Yeah, I'm sorry about all the "couch" content. But, you've got to understand, it composes roughly 95% of the market, so I'd be pretty remiss to leave it out. I know that's not much of an excuse, but like commercials during your favorite show, we do have to pay the light bill around here.

I hope this helps and I'm always available for questions/comments/suggestions.

Thanks again guys!
Kevin Shaw
Personal Watercraft Illustrated


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Hey guys,

I realize that this reply is waaay overdue, but I wanted to come in here and clear up a couple things if I can.

For any of you who are missing issues of Personal Watercraft Illustrated and are current subscribers, contact me directly at with your contact info and I will personally make sure that you get your issues. Like I've said before, I don't like being screwed by a company any much as any of you do.

Going back to 227's original post, yes, mixing both sit-downs and stand-ups is as nonsensical as say, being able to purchase alcohol at a gas station. In fact, the eventual decline in PWC racing began with putting runabouts on the same course as skis, but I digress... Many have posted that separating the subject matter would create two pamphlets. You're pretty much right.

Magazines are kept alive by advertising dollars, not subscriptions. Believe it or not, for Personal Watercraft Illustrated, the cost of subscriptions pays for the issue itself. Advertising dollars is what pays my editorial department, my art department, and all the contributors and photographers who make PWI what it is today.

Stand-ups will always be a part of Personal Watercraft Illustrated's monthly content, be it freeride, freestyle, evaluations, or tech. In fact, I've been sitting on a '88 JS440 that I've been itching to do a project build on. Hell, I've even got old PJS mechanic Greg Beaver (owner of Circuit Jet Sports) wanting to dust off some old tricks for it.

Yeah, I'm sorry about all the "couch" content. But, you've got to understand, it composes roughly 95% of the market, so I'd be pretty remiss to leave it out. I know that's not much of an excuse, but like commercials during your favorite show, we do have to pay the light bill around here.

I hope this helps and I'm always available for questions/comments/suggestions.

Thanks again guys!
Kevin Shaw
Personal Watercraft Illustrated

Hey Kevin

Welcome to the X, a primarily stand up riders web site. I appreciate your explicative comments, although it does appear that to me that you’re just fishing for new subscribers. I however, would like to apologize for trashing on your magazine. Maybe I was a little harsh, as I do agree that anything that promotes the stand up side of the sport is good, no matter how little it is. However, if you really would like to improve your magazine may I suggest that you actually supply your subscribers with ALL there issues. Believe it or not, the straw that broke the camels back for me was not the couch laden issues, but on my last subscription I only received two issues out of a years subscription. YES ONLY TWO. I haven’t moved or changed my address either. This brings me to my second point, and this is just my opinion but unfortunately for you, since my last failed subscription with your magazine I discovered x-h20, which really makes your magazine obsolete. I don’t see how any pay subscription magazine could compete with a free website whose context not only changes daily, is standup specific, has the most cutting edge products, as well as live chat rooms with other members who can help solve problems with each others skis and has as full video footage of all our respective crews riding. So anyway, with this type of competition you certainly don’t need any one thrashing on your mag so once again I apologize. Good luck, I hope your magazine does well.



Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I would still continue my subscription if it wasn't for the fact I have trouble twice now with not getting my issues. Contacting you guys and asking for the back issues didn't help the first tiem either. I specifically remember this episode because of the hype around the Sea Doo 3D and I weanted to read up on it. (At the time I didn't realize it would be a turd) I didn't even know I wasn't sent my issues until I got a magazine many months later. On the supscription page inside the magazine I noticed three magazines that I had never seen before. I was ticked to say the least. Calling and asking for the back issues didn't help either, I never saw those issues and my subscription wasn't extended like the lady had offered.

So I went years without having a subscription. Then last year I decided to give you another shot. Same thing happend and I said F it and didn't bother to call. So for me it is not that tough of a decision to renew or not. I #1 shouldn't have to call you guys and ask to send me my magazine I have paid for. Then #2 half the time I don't know if there is a new one to come out or not because I never had an established cycle of deliveries. So as of now I have been cheated out of about 4 to 5 issues I never got in two different instances in time seperated by several years. I guess I got along fine without it so I won't renew. I am not asking for a hand out, but it would take something like a free one year subscription to get me back. I would even agree to buy a year subscription if I was credited for the free year.

But when I read on these forums others have had the exact same problems with no resolve, it makes me leary and I just stay away. It is pretty sad too because I have always been a fan of reading magazines. You should see my stack of old Dirt Bike/MX Action/Dirt Wheels/ATV Action/BMX Plus, ect...
a new subscription is only $18.95..i dont know where you got 80$ from??..and if people bought subscriptions instead of complained about the mag then maybe they would cater more to our segment of the sport...or better yet write them a letter and tell then what you want to see as a subscriber

As previously stated, $65 (US) for an international subscription + exchange rate works out to over $10 per issue (for wydopen - it is $65+20%=$78/7=$11.14/issue, and if you can't understand that, you shouldn't be driving a PWC in the first place).

I'm all for supporting the magazine, at a price, there is no way the international postage accounts for the large discrepancy in the subscription rates (I think it was just over $1 U.S. on the envelope the magazine came in).

Maybe they could cut costs by not shipping out double issues. For the past year of my subscription, I had been receiving two issues/month. I contacted the circulation department and told them about it, and it stopped for one month, but then started up again the next, no wonder they have to charge so much.
john..we should be happy with the little exposure we get..there is no way there is enough people to buy a standup only mag and make it profitable, couchers (who actually buy the mag) dont want to read about standups anymore than you want to read about the latest in aqua socks or wax for your honda..i think PWI is doing a good job..there will be a full article on taylor's tahiti story in the next issue with him charging xl chopes, which dosnt really get any better than that....if you guys want to see more standup coverage, throw down some insane stuff and get some killer shots..they will run it :veryhappy:

I tend to agree w/ this take on it.

John, you got to understand we are less than 1% or the PWC market, which is small by motorcycle standards or any standards for that matter. How would you develop a business plan to to serve maybe 10,000 total riders most of whom would never order the mag. I really don't think anyone would throw their money away like that. We don't have a big enough voice w/o the couch fags to get anything done. If wasn't for those homos we would probably not be around now... as much as it hurts to say!!!!

edit: I just noticed this was a really old thread...
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As previously stated, $65 (US) for an international subscription + exchange rate works out to over $10 per issue (for wydopen - it is $65+20%=$78/7=$11.14/issue, and if you can't understand that, you shouldn't be driving a PWC in the first place).

no reason to give me attitude..i didnt realize he was from canada when I made the post :argue:

and i can operate a pwc just fine thank you very much


Editor-in-Chief, The Watercraft Journal
Nashville, TN
I'm going to try to tackle these points one at a time:

I appreciate your explicative comments, although it does appear that to me that you’re just fishing for new subscribers.
Actually, no. I was pretty much fishing for input from people like you guys who've been bent over in the past. That, and hopefully trying to resolve some lingering problems with subscription satisfaction.

Such as these...
However, if you really would like to improve your magazine may I suggest that you actually supply your subscribers with ALL there issues.

You're right and I agree 100%. Right now, I'm just trying to fix things for future readers and hopefully to welcome many of you who've been burned in the past.

I shouldn't have to call you guys and ask to send me my magazine I have paid for.

OK, here's the facts: Personal Watercraft Illustrated is owned and operated by CN Publishing, who prints Cycle News, America's only weekly motorcycle newspaper.

This last year, we radically updated our subscription services department. We're finally all digital, all automated, and thankfully, way more on top of our game.

I'm not going to pretend that we didn't have some serious problems with getting people their issues. We did and we lost a lot of good subscribers because of it. Although I wasn't here when the problems started, I am here now and I'm personally taking care of it. That might not mean much to some of you, but my efforts have patched quite a few old holes.

Since my last failed subscription with your magazine I discovered x-h20, which really makes your magazine obsolete. I don’t see how any pay subscription magazine could compete with a free website whose context not only changes daily, is standup specific, has the most cutting edge products, as well as live chat rooms with other members who can help solve problems with each others skis and has as full video footage of all our respective crews riding.

Very good point, and very valid reasoning. Yes, websites like X-H20, GreenHulk, and PWCToday do have Personal Watercraft Illustrated beat on a vast array of angles. Speed, accessibility, and content-specification.

Yet, print publication will never die. Magazines come and go, books go out of print, and propogating liberals and revisionists will want to rewrite history, but the printed word will never die as long as Americans (and the world, for that matter) still cares that truth, unaltered, concrete truth, exists and is not manipulated by empowered persons wanting to placate the masses into a stupor of false security as ruling bodies rob them of their homes, property and values.

I say this only to convey the weight of responsibility that I and my associate editor, Justin Stannard, place on ourselves to provide technical information that is proven, industry insight that is backed up with fact, and well-constructed opinion that impacts the sport.

Over the last 22 years, Personal Watercraft Illustrated has helped organize race classes and events, the creation of race circuits and teams, and even the development of several watercraft, three within the last year.

Yes, Personal Watercraft Illustrated has swayed from giving stand-ups and their riders their due over the years, and that is something I've tried to correct.

While I cannot dedicate issue after issue to freeriding or stand-up racing, I can provide exciting and compelling content which illustrates the athleticism of riding these skis that gave us this sport today. I would hope that recent efforts such as the Taylor Curtis cover, the Blowsion Big Shot Awards and the June '09 cover will help convince many of that.

Here's a sneak peek:

Again, thanks for your input and honesty. You're helping me make a better publication.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I don't know if this helps you or not but, I'm much more likely to buy this mag (or any mag) one issue at a time from a magazine rack at a book store. I don't know what it takes for a mag to get there but that's how I buy them.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I used to be like that too Demon. But the only news stand that was worth a damn in my area shut down. So now it is basically take what you get at the Wal*Mart. They are carrying fewer and fewer MX/ATV magazines anymore.


I am glad you got the subscription delivery issues straightened out but... being burnt twice in the past, you will have to try a lot harder to sway me into resubscribing to PWI.

However I am greatful for what support you guys give stand ups in general. I would still like to see build ups of older skis. You could do a write up on old Wet Jets, X2's, Blasters, HX's, 440/550 conversions, ect... All the ATV Magazines I used to read constantly has engine swap/unique ATV's in them all the time. Also make sure you fully document everything. A lot of times the spec sheet you guys list in an article is very lacking. I want to know every single part on that ski in case I ever wanted to duplicate the build.

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