Squarenose Project Back ON!!



damn bummer, well the clean up on the powerband might be nice seeing as that it should be more predicatable:biggthumpup: keep us updated on how it does overall

Sometimes you back track when working out the bugs on a boat. For instance when I went back to a stock tail cone I got rid of my impeller spin at low rpm but lost a little low end punch. Like wise on the reeds, it cleaned up the power but did not add any more, if anything it took a small amount of power away. But on the upside the new manifold allows me to route my fuel lines more cleanly and makes rejetting a breeze. I can always put the v-force back on if need be but I like the aluminum cages over the plastic v-force. I noticed just from looking at them that the Rad's will seal much better.
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Weighted my squarenose hull and parts tonight:

Bare hull/hood w/ cables, pole bracket, intake grate, mid shaft and bilges was 166lbs
Motor, electronics and b-pipe weighed in at 89lbs
Pump w/o impeller was 8lbs
X-metal water box was 2lbs or just a hair under that.
Battery was 15lbs
Gas tank w/ 2.5 gallons of gas lets say 20lbs
XFT pole about 10lbs w/ pad and steering system

I think that a fair estimate for the hull is 150lbs. I did not think the hull felt that heavy on the water. All and all I estimate the squarenose was right at 300-315lbs w/ gas and battery

I rounded up on everything b/c it was just on a bathroom scale, but I feel it is a accurate representation of the skis weight.
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