
if im lookin to get into standup ski what would be a good ski to start out on. one that will last a while and be to do beginning tricks on.

You might as well start with a superjet cuz eventually that's exactly what you're going to want. If you're not ready to drop the money on a roundnose($3000-4000) then pick yourself up a good squarenose($1500-2000). They have the same hull, just different top decks. Try and find a square with a 701 in it if you can.:biggthumpup:
your only option is a superjet. if any one tells you differently they are lying. what ever you do don't get a 550/440!

nothing wrong with a 550 on flatwater (flat as glass that is). just do a search on this forum and search for Superjet vs kawasaki or something. you'll learn a lot in 5 min
i live in citrus county which is a hour north of tampa and im lookin to trade my 95 waverunner 3 towards a standup. so if anyone is interested in trading or has anything let me know
i live in citrus county which is a hour north of tampa and im lookin to trade my 95 waverunner 3 towards a standup. so if anyone is interested in trading or has anything let me know

That probably won't happen on this website, but if I were you I would try and sell it on
I can't help but laugh a little while reading all the posts.

If your just starting out and you love the sport of standups then I would suggest just finding anything. But like everyone on here will tell you, eventually you will want to upgrade to a superjet, I know I had to. If you are a beginner then you'll probably enjoy riding anything that has a handlepole on it, I know I loved riding my 440.


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
Here is an option for you, SJjohn, will be selling a really nice sq nose hull.
Take the motor & misc parts from your wave III, & install in the sq hull!!!
you will need some misc parts, but you will be way ahead of the game!
PM John for details on his hull, it's here in Atlanta

ski ya, Paul


the taco
how much do think that would cost to do that

mostly time. cost depends on if the square nose hull has things in it already like fuel tank, midshaft and pump. you could probably use some things in the transfer over but i dont think it would be as simple as say....putting a blaster motor in a sj. i am sure someone else can give you more specific info.
Overall it would cost a LOT less than trying to sell yours which you won't get ton of cash for and then buying a running superjet which sells for quite a bit since that is what everybody wants.

If you have the mechanical ability you will be monye ahead.


Region 7 AM Freestyle

GET a kawsaki 650sx.Its a great little beginner boat and i have one i have had for a few years and its tottaly built and can keep up with the sxr and smoke a sn 650.


the taco
if you start out on something too small there is a good chance you will not see the potential there is to come and think that its not all its cracked out to be.

1. i would recommend a 650 atleast. preferrably a 701 sj square nose. this is to keep the cost down and see if you would like standups.

2. after you know you like standups and want more then you need to ask yourself if you like to carve sharp corners and run high speed or if you like freestyle stuff like barrel rolls, inverted nose stabs, and moves where you throw the ski around. Racing and cornering = Kaw SXR. Freestyle and playing = 701 Superjet.

Reason why Sxr is so much better for racing is hull design and reason why superjet is better for freestyle is it weighs 50lbs less than the sxr. My take on it. If you dont feel confident about swapping your motor and if you dont have friends to help then maybe you should buy one ready to go. I just had my rn completely apart and put it back together in 2 nights.....and I am slow. It is not real hard especially on a stock ski but expect to say a few four letter words. You could always ask for help here if you need and someone will probably have a service manual they can email you that will help too.
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