- Location
- South Florida
that..... sucks.
thats when ytou call out the boys and blanket the area! search the local lakes and boat ramps on sat and sunday morning!!!
That sucks! That was one fine looking ski too dammit. I heard about some poor guy having his atv stolen in broad daylight right out of his truck. They backed up their truck to his while in a mall parking lot, rolled it off of his truck and onto the back of theirs.
So there i was minding my own business at 2 am talking to crammit . I rolled thru Craigslist and what did I see..... thats right my stolen ski for sale in Lawrenceville Ga. about 25 miles away. Crammit and I did some snoopin and poopin... ran a reverse look up on the cell number . Let me tell you....if you have 5 bucks and 5 minutes you can find out a lot about a person at 2:00 am . We knew where they lived currently and where they had lived for the last 25 years. We knew how much there house cost on and on . We even went to there house Via google maps . long story short I believe the guy did in fact wanted to believe the ski was clean. He paid 1000 bucks , he had a bill of sale , the name and address of the seller and as a bonus all the numbers were there and matched . Still, where he bought it, and who he bought it from just don't add up. I'll just say with out saying these urban people generally don't swim and are afraid of snakes. However to their credit they do typically dance well . Any way at some point he had to be asking him self " what is this person doing with a stand up ski " . All in all I'll get it back after a little processing , He is out 1000 bucks and the thief.... " take your pick " goes scott free . There are three counties involved where it was stolen ,where it was recovered and where it was sold. It is in the officers words a jurisdiction night mare. The officer said , that it would be a waste of time dealing with Dekalb Co due to the incompetence of counties leadership and court system. He said it would be incredibly frustrating, and in the end nothing would be done even if it went before a jury (nothing like a jury of your peers). Well at least I got it back even if it is trashed. There are Many scratches. The e-box is open and looks like a box of worms several other things.
I'll just say with out saying these urban people generally don't swim and are afraid of snakes. However to their credit they do typically dance well . Any way at some point he had to be asking him self " what is this person doing with a stand up ski " .
Glad you found it, but this type of crap doesn't belong on here.
So why don't you delete it, and send him a pm? :laugh2:
I mean, if it doesn't belong here and all... why leave it?ancake: :smlove2:
Because pointing it out makes it obvious, otherwise it gets deleted and noone ever knows.
People have to know where the line is...
sombody shoot both flockers. dont tell me that a$$ didnt know that he was buying hot chit. if its to good to be true it probably is. glad you got it back. i hate people they have no respect what so ever.