Stolen ski !!!!! FOUND AND RECOVERED

Wow...crazy story.....he should be prosecuted for receiving stolen property...period, right? He is to stupid to be a free man...he should be dealt with the same as the thief.
Thought I would take some heat ,but the stats in my area speak foe them selves . Crime " in my area " overwhelming has come from the same group. In the last few years " My " home town has had a major increase of crime due to the influx of Fulton ,DeKalb ,Clayton, and Rockdale county residents . We have also suffered from an inter city northern migration. Predominantly these people don't like snakes, don't swim but , dance well. I have been hit twice this year and know many others that have suffered the same fate . It's not a race issue I understand that . I'm not inferring that a whole race of people are thieves. I'm just pointing my home town has not benefited from this group of people moving into the area. My home town is quickly becoming an area " to be from " . I think If we were intellectually honest instead of being worried about offending some one, the stats would be considered proportionately accurate. You can all sit around a camp fire packing bowls singing Combiya while your town declines. To hell with Political correctness . I'm calling a spade a spade .

Black + Home town = Decline

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
Thought I would take some heat ,but the stats in my area speak foe them selves . Crime " in my area " overwhelming has come from the same group. In the last few years " My " home town has had a major increase of crime due to the influx of Fulton ,DeKalb ,Clayton, and Rockdale county residents . We have also suffered from an inter city northern migration. Predominantly these people don't like snakes, don't swim but , dance well. I have been hit twice this year and know many others that have suffered the same fate . It's not a race issue I understand that . I'm not inferring that a whole race of people are thieves. I'm just pointing my home town has not benefited from this group of people moving into the area. My home town is quickly becoming an area " to be from " . I think If we were intellectually honest instead of being worried about offending some one, the stats would be considered proportionately accurate. You can all sit around a camp fire packing bowls singing Combiya while your town declines. To hell with Political correctness . I'm calling a spade a spade .

Black + Home town = Decline

HAHAHA! I almost typed that same ththing but figure Jett would get his shorts in a knot...again.
honesty is the best policy....... there was a reason why the basketball hoops where taken down in certain suburbs of cleveland. it attracted people that where causing trouble and commiting crimes. a spade is a spade no matter where you come from. but i willl say this i think parma ohio has the most amount of loser white trash mullet camero types on the planet. and that is just as bad.
Thank God the gays have taken over my hood. They are clean and they don't steal. Still gotta watch your back though....he he.

I see nothing offensive or untrue in this thread. Even if I was black I would see it for what it is......a fact.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Awesome that you got your ski back. Did the guy give you any trouble when you reposessed it? Did the cops have to be there?


The clown has no penis!
Palmer, NE
It is in the officers words a jurisdiction night mare. The officer said , that it would be a waste of time dealing with Dekalb Co due to the incompetence of counties leadership and court system. He said it would be incredibly frustrating, and in the end nothing would be done even if it went before a jury (nothing like a jury of your peers).

If the State Police handled the theft instead of the County there would be no jurisdiction problem at all. The theft itself took place in your county of residence therefore your county of residence would be the venue. As for the person who had the ski at the time it was found, who knows. In Nebraska we would have to prove that he knew he possessed stolen property with the intent of depriving the owner of such. I would say any reasonable person who purchased a ski without the title would know the ski was stolen.

Anyway, glad to hear you got your ski back and I hope a bus hits the a$$ who stole it.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
Georgia is a title-less state. All you get is a registration card when you register for your numbers.

yeah, and if the dude selling it can't produce that registration
plus matching ID, walk away!
it is PITA to register a ski in NC, we now have titles
but hopefully that keeps down theft :shooter3:
the problem is that light, small skis
can get grabbed by two crack heads in a pickup
who see a quick fix in anything that isnt chained down :buttkick:


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
it is PITA to register a ski in NC, we now have titles
but hopefully that keeps down theft
it is a pain to register a ski, took me 2 months to finely get mine finished up. And NC has titles but they dont require them, and charge like an extra 30 to get them made up... i did not see the point? :pancake:


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
it is a pain to register a ski, took me 2 months to finely get mine finished up. And NC has titles but they dont require them, and charge like an extra 30 to get them made up... i did not see the point? :pancake:

wrong, see NC website
mine were all registered before that date, so I just have reg
but since 2007, NC is a title state

What Vessels Must be Titled?

Anyone who purchases or transfers a motorized vessel or sailboat 14 feet or longer or who owns a personal watercraft (jet ski), will be required to title the vessel effective Jan.1, 2007. In most cases, lenders require a title as a condition for granting a loan on a vessel.
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