

Why Me?
The Atl
I know that these are both couches, but this is for a good friend of mine who is also a Region 7 racer...

My brand new RXP-X and 2007 RXT were stolen from the parking lot of Capt. Hiram's on Friday night or early Saturday morning! We were here in Sebastain, FL for the Poker Run and Drag Races! All that remained was the cut lock on the ground.

2008 RXP-X VIN:YDV36368B808 ENGINE#:M6840706
2007 Red/Black RXT VIN: YDV54374A707
2005 Triton Elite WC2-G Trailer:
VIN# 4TCSM11265H234206

If anyone see's or hears anything please let me know and i will pass along the info to Duane...

Thanks for keping your eyes/ears open.....


Why Me?
The Atl
The local police told him that they were either being sold for parts or in a container on their way out of the country by the time he filed the report this morning....

Good news is that he didnt leave the keys with them so if anyone wants to use them they have to goto a dealer and get a new programmed, so hopefully the stolen info can be put into SD's web-base and it will pop up that they are stolen...
The local police told him that they were either being sold for parts or in a container on their way out of the country by the time he filed the report this morning....

Good news is that he didnt leave the keys with them so if anyone wants to use them they have to goto a dealer and get a new programmed, so hopefully the stolen info can be put into SD's web-base and it will pop up that they are stolen...

thats what they all say because thats typically the truth.

my buddies SJ that was jacked from south FL turned up 5 days later due to threads like this and "stolen" posts on craigslist and ebay.... well, not really ebay, but its not a bad idea either.

keep the posts refreshed and on the top often. PWCT too.

good luck.... even though theyre couches.:dunce:


Анархия - мать порядка!
That sucks! Sorry to hear that. I will keep my eyes open, although I doubt they are going to show up on the water in the US or on ebay.
I'll repeat Matt's question: INSURANCE?


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
My friend Chris had his skis stolen and got them back four years later in perfect shape with 3 inches of dust on them! Don't ever give up.... they could be in some storage unit somewhere.


Анархия - мать порядка!
My friend Chris had his skis stolen and got them back four years later in perfect shape with 3 inches of dust on them! Don't ever give up.... they could be in some storage unit somewhere.
I would love to get back my dad's van that was stolen 15 years ago.
Please let me know if you see it, it was a Ford F250 long, dark red.


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
My friend Chris had his skis stolen and got them back four years later in perfect shape with 3 inches of dust on them! Don't ever give up.... they could be in some storage unit somewhere.

I'd like to hear that story. Not to threadjack on a stolen thread tho.:shooter3:

I will keep the eyes open arround the internet. Having something stolen is the worst feeling! Hopefully the theivs will end up with a darwin award.
If there was no insurace on them directly check your house insurance policies, some like mine, will cover up to $1000 for water craft. I know thats not near the value of the two of them, but take what you can get!!! Hope he has insurace on them directly though.

If they are being sent out of the country I guess I will keep a look out as well


SJ for LIFE!
Tha Burg, FL
sorry to hear that man hope you get them back. best thing to do is be persistent* my buddy got 2 standups stolen about a year ago over there and we were camping, when we found them gone off the truck in the morning we went searching and found the ********s at the subway a few miles down the road with our trailor on their truck we put them back on our truck while they were inside and there was actually a cop filling up at the gas station there we told him what happend and he arrested both the guys who owned the truck. your situation might not go down like that but just keep your head up!!


SJ for LIFE!
Tha Burg, FL
dude you have no idea how bad we wanted to wreck this lame ass middle aged dudes, i remember my friend just freaking out on the guy screaming " dude your like 40! how old are you??? seriously??? hows it gonna feel to get knocked the phuck out by a 19 year old???" my boy just flipped a ******** i think if the cops werent there he would have killed him.
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