I will probaly get flamed here, but,
Call Dunnavants Performance Center Monday and ask if he has some parts for sale for these ski's. This is exactly how the S.O.B. makes his money. He goes and steals ski's and then parts em out. He WAS labeled the kingpin in the worlds largest watercraft theft ring a few years back and then right back in business doing the same crap a year later. I don't understand how that could happen-but it did and he is in business selling stolen ski's/parts.
Dunnavant Performance Center
Retailer of high performance, new and used personal watercraft parts, brands include ... Assistance 205.854.3528 Fax 205.853.6941 Email
sales@dunnavants.com ...
www.dunnavants.com - 14k - Cached
ps-if u talk to Brian Dunnavant himself, tell him Gil told him to go F himself!!! He got me for 12,000.00 several years ago and kept me from riding for 2 years while I financally recooperated from the azz raping he gave me!!!
Oh yeah, don't believe, check out his website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!