STS-117 Atlantis Launch


No he will not!
TONIGHT at 7:38pm ET :Banane01: Space Shuttle Atlantis is heading for the ISS to continue building it.

This is my first launch ever, and I'll be mighty close :Banane01::Banane01::Banane01: I'm 8 different kinds of pumped right now!!!

Anyway, just letting you guys know in case you want to watch it on TV, or the FL guys could step outside and watch :cool2:

Everything looks good so far for luanch, in just over 2 hours :biggthumpup:


User Title Unavailable
I saw two launches, one during the day, and one at night. The one at night was frikken unbelievable! It was like a new sun for about 30 seconds!!!! Unbelievable, have fun! Its pretty unforgettable


The Good Old Days
Since I was a child my dream was to go up in space.
One of the main reasons for moving to Florida was to be close to The Kennedy Space Center.
I have been there many times but,..
I have never seen a launch from up close. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Have a blast parrdaddy, you lucky *******. :cheer:


Just plain me....
I was at the Nomad (Daytona boys know where I'm talking about)a couple of summers ago when a shuttle was launched. It was by fluke that I was there because it had been delayed from the week before. Anyway, I was able to get some great pictures & was thrilled that I got to see it. I think what impressed me most was that not only was the courtyard of the motel full with spectators, everyone on the beach turned & got silent to watch. When it was out of site the place erupted in clapping. Later on I talked to a couple from Germany who had gotten to go down & see it. He told me that to him this was the epitamy of what American was...and he shed a tear. Watching that was one of the most incredible things I have every witnessed.


The Good Old Days
He told me that to him this was the epitamy of what American was...and he shed a tear.

I totally agree with that statement.
While most Americans couldn't care less about the whole space program I believe it to be one of man kinds greatest achievements.

I still get antsy every time the order for "throttle up" goes through and I do get choked up when ever I see the launch.



Just plain me....
I totally agree with that statement.
While most Americans couldn't care less about the whole space program I believe it to be one of man kinds greatest achievements.

I still get antsy every time the order for "throttle up" goes through and I do get choked up when ever I see the launch.

I agree with you Boris. I was in 1st grade when the SKYLAB went up. We got to bring our sleeping bags and a sack lunch when it was launched. We stayed in the classroom and watched it on tv all day. I barely remember the first moon walk. So yeah, I've been hooked since a very young age:woot:
Watching on tv right now,the nasa channel has good coverage, awesome footage.

I was in firstgrade the first time I saw a launch on TV and it was the Challenger(I believe it blew up after launch and had a female teacher on it) I remember that day so clear,one of the saddest days I remember. I went to private school and we watched on the tvs and were all excited to watch it go up into space and sadly it never made it. I remember our teacher having to leave the room and we sat there stunned.

Any way watching the controlled burns right now really cool to see what they do up there. Channel 376 on directv. You get to hear alantis and houston talk and see the crew inside working. :brap:


No he will not!
Holy crap, unbelievable!!! That was the most incredible thing I have ever seen :woot: I won't miss another one I can gaurantee you that. I had to wear my sunglasses to watch :cool2:


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The Good Old Days
parradaddy, how did you get that close and can I be your best friend next time ?
I'll carry your stuff. :biggrin:

I was in 6th grade when the Challenger disaster took place.
Stayed up late to watch it on TV (I was in the southern hemisphere at the time), I was unable to go to school that day.
I totally agree with that statement.
While most Americans couldn't care less about the whole space program I believe it to be one of man kinds greatest achievements.

I still get antsy every time the order for "throttle up" goes through and I do get choked up when ever I see the launch.


Rah Rah... Our space my 1/100 of what it could be. It's a sh!tload of wasted money right now.
Oh and by the way,if you havent seen the movie October Sky you should check it out. Cool movie,very inpiring. Just a group of boys from a small coal mine town.


User Title Unavailable
where there are answers, there are only more questions. More money should be spent funding independent studies on the universal theory :biggthumpup:

Then we can figure how to get into space without actually doing it. :biggrin:
That was the 2nd best viewing I had. Saw it from a Chili's parkinglot. The night launch was by far the unbeatable best launch ever. I stood there and watched it for almost 8 minutes that night. Parr, any night launches in the future?:usa2::usa2::usa2::unitedstates: :unitedstates:
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