Stunt Junkies


Pin it to win it
Charlotte, NC
incredible show, I had to suck up super bad and make up with the gf just so I could go over an watch it on her cable.

I was really amused that they re-used the hydrospace 3-d model for all the cool little graphic models. They just changed the surface look of it.
well at least he got paid 10 grand for it, that's cool.
I'm not knocking it I just wish he had pulled it off, then it would have done real good for the jet ski seen.

I am sorry as well that I did not pull it, I tried. But for the record I would just like to say that I did not get paid 10 grand to do it. I was paid, but far less than that.

And as far as Gil's flip/double, I think that was in the final we had together in Portugal. And that was for sure a ton of rotation. I think Gil could do it if he made a real effort to pull a double. And I hope that I will have another chance with a boat similar to his some time in the future...


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I watched it too,
impressive, and great TV.
it was nice to see a motor sport portrayed in a decent light, you guys came across as nice, respectable, and talented, I havent seen much of that recently with other motorsports.

what was wrong with the blowsion boat though?
Straight from stunt junkies site
:woot: :woot:

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Episode: Jet Ski™ Double Backflip | Premiere: May 14, 2007

Perry's Thoughts:
Now this stunt was right up my alley! I can appreciate how difficult this stunt was going to be, which you all witnessed in the show when I got back on the ski after a 12-year break ... Not a pretty sight! When you watch people like Ross on Jet Skies™ out in the ocean, they make it look so graceful and carefree that someone who does not ride may not understand how difficult it is. I found Ross to be a very charming and professional athlete in both his skill and demeanor. It was a pleasure working with him. Although Ross was not successful in his quest for the double backflip on a Jet Ski™, it certainly wasn't from lack of trying, lack of skill or lack of determination — and for that I admire him. I am sure it will not be long before we get a call from Ross saying that he did the double backflip and I wish him the best of luck.

Eli's Thoughts:
When I heard Ross was going to do a double backflip on a Jet Ski™ using the ocean waves I thought, "No way." We met up with Ross and Mike out at Pizmo Beach; it was a beautiful day and the waves looked pretty good as well. Ross told us the details of his stunt and showed us the ski he was going to be using. Right away you could tell there were lots of components to this stunt that would have to be perfect in order to get this record — unfortunately, at the same time, things started to turn for the worse. First, the ski, which was modified with a "valve lever" (to give Ross thrust as he flips) and massive amounts of horsepower, wasn't working correctly; it actually seemed as if the engine was blown. Second, the weather went completely south, and one would think this might mean bigger waves, but not this time. So things were not going the way Ross had planned, but he kept a good attitude and decided to go for it anyway on his personal ski. He was awesome on the ski, catching huge air off the lip of the waves, flipping, corkscrewing and just killing it out there. On stunt day, the waves were crumbling and not nearly big enough, and he was going to need something massive to get that sled around twice. He started going for the record, and my biggest worry was if he really committed to it and got stuck at a one and a half, then the ski would be right on top of him. You could tell it was a fight out there — sometimes the weather was so bad we could hardly see him. At the end of the day it was not to be, but it didn't bother Ross too much. I truly think he will do the double backflip. He's got the skill and the drive, and let's face it, he's a champion.
Ross is the man. I am still waiting to see the show. There is no doubt in my mind that Ross could pull it, with ease off an actual wave. I bet within 2 months we'll be seeing a video clip of Ross doing a double flip. Keep it up Ross and Mike. Thanks for the Exposure!:biggthumpup:


So long and thanks for all the fish
On youtube:

I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but I was finally able to upload the Stunt Junkies episode onto youtube. It had to be done in three parts because there is a ten minute limit, so I just split it up between a couple of commercials so it doesn't mess with the flow of the show.

I have to agree with everyone else. Ross and Mike really made the sport we all love look great. Personally I think Ross's attitude at the end really made the whole thing shine.

Chris, congrats on getting your footage on PRIMETIME! That is F-ing badass.

Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:


High on jetskis.
yeah.. you have to run a cable through the bulkhead and it would take longer than one evening, I'm sure
is there more to it than making a hole? idk, i woulda done everything in my power, recrute all my freinds, and gotten it done. im sure even a motor swap could be done overnight.
no offence or nothing im just wondering why more effort wasnt put into it.


Ann Arbor

Ross you Rock!!!!!!! and my ex-gf is in love with you. So if you ditch that one taking up all your time when i was in cali, shell be waiting lol

cambo au

i am so glad you guys posted that you tube page i am stoked
absolutly hands down the best s#%t i have seen for a while keep it up


is there more to it than making a hole? idk, i woulda done everything in my power, recrute all my freinds, and gotten it done. im sure even a motor swap could be done overnight.
no offence or nothing im just wondering why more effort wasnt put into it.

for T.V. it should have been better!!!
it was kind of lame,


I'm goin' for two
San Diego, CA
is there more to it than making a hole? idk, i woulda done everything in my power, recrute all my freinds, and gotten it done. im sure even a motor swap could be done overnight.
no offence or nothing im just wondering why more effort wasnt put into it.

A motor swap is nothing compared to installing a trim setup. A motor swap can be done in a couple hours. Unfortunately, the timing of the show filming couldn't have been worse. A last minute schedule change pushed the filming to the middle of the week. Pismo is a 4-6 hour drive for any of the oside crew regulars, and the mid week filming made it nearly impossible to attend.

Trust me, we all wish there could have been more we could have done on site to help, but it just wasn't in the cards.

for T.V. it should have been better!!!
it was kind of lame,

Call em up....I'm sure they'd be wiling to feature your mad talents....whoever you are.
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