Suggestions on getting this bolt off.


- SuperJet Thursday -
Drill a hole in the bolt head and insert a hardened steel punch, HEAT and turn. Then you will need to drill another untill you can get several turns on it. DONT go through the manifold


No Square..No Round..FX-1
Do you have a wrench like this? That's the kind I use when wrestling with those two. The angled end helps a lot. I also ground (with a die grinder) a little material away of the manifold in that get a wrench in there better, without weakening the flange.

When all else fails, use a Oxy acetylene small tipped torch to localize the heat on just that bolt to expand it a little more and then use the #0 method :smashfreakB:.


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Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
Hit the manifold on either side with a rubber hammer and see if you can wiggle that thing off. :wiggle:

BTW.... the stock stainless flanged head bolts used on the bar clamps work great in that location; they have a 12mm head and they're just the right length.
drill the bolt w/ a drill bit that is almost as big as the width of the shaft of the bolt and then chisel out the rest or break it off there w/ a hammer after it's weak. then after you have the manifold off, grind the bolt flush if you can't extract it w/ vise grips. After that, drill a hole in the center of the bolt and remove it w/ an easy out...


drill the bolt w/ a drill bit that is almost as big as the width of the shaft of the bolt and then chisel out the rest or break it off there w/ a hammer after it's weak. then after you have the manifold off, grind the bolt flush if you can't extract it w/ vise grips. After that, drill a hole in the center of the bolt and remove it w/ an easy out...

we did that method on my he has broken easyout in this cyl..he has actually been running it for over a year with one bolt short haha


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Try heating it up and melting candle wax onto th threads. Then try whatever wrench fits it best or needle nose vise grips. I have never done it but I hear the heat/wax trick works really well.


Zack Bright. I Thrash.
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Oceanside, CA
GOT IT OFF!!!!!! wooo wooo! took boykids advice and just smacked the side of that beotch like 7 time than "tonk"......rotated it half a turn and its good to go!

thank you for everybody's advice, i really appreciate it!


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Did you get the bolt out too?

When you put that manifold back on, make sure that the surface for the bolt head comes incontact with is cleaned up and not jagged. That would cause extra friction on trying to get it out next time.


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
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Granbury, TX
I either use anti-sieze or spray can copper exhaust gasket maker on all my manifold bolts. ANti-seize has been my life saver, on all other bolted connections I put a dab of grease on the bolt threads.
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