Surfriding Sundays tropical storm surf footage


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Sunday was a total blast! This surf was killer IMO but my 2 riding buddies thought it sucked haha. Reminded me of riding dirtbikes... The swells were like hillclimbs and the whitewash was like a step up jump. Totally killer surf, I wish we could get days like this more often.

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RMBC Freeride

Site Supporter
Pueblo, CO
Looks gnarly and fun. It's all about the experience. You can bitch that the conditions suck, or you can go out there and make the most of it. In this case, it looks like a roller coaster ride!


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
I see you have the antishark wetsuit Jamie.
Haha yeah I got this suit a couple years ago. I got it just to have something different, then this year during shark week I saw that TV show about the different color suits... Bonus!! I saw sharks the day before and was a little nervous still.

nice edit jamie. re entry's are looking killer. and a nice plate to plate flip.
Thanks bro! I love doing re-entries, my flips need better form before I can stop pulling my handicap lever on the left but we should be getting some good surf around here so I can finally work on it.
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Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
Lol on the handicap lever comment. That freak should go right around without the trim.

Looked like some fun stuff for short period swell. I wish we would've had some of that this season. It was basically flat all year and then we got two weeks of waves at the end of October/beginning of November.

Nice vid!


Sweet Baby Ray's Sucks
Daytona Beach
The surf sucked. It was cold and crazy windy. I had a wetsuit on and my 2 mill top, and I went with the board shorts for some wind blockage. I gave up after about 30 minutes. Completely useless surf.

Matt did introduce me to a place with killer cheeseburgers on the way home though. And the shower i took when i got home was the most satisfying shower ive ever taken. Completely drained the water heater.

Ponce would have been better for sure. Not a very open inlet, so the wind would have been blocked a little better, plus there would have been some sweet creeks to rip through.


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
I'm down for a Ponce ride for the next storm we get. I haven't ridden there yet and I'm always up for some big clean surf!

I will be posting another video tonight from the ride we had the day before this storm riding sesh. I hope you guys like these videos, the editing is time consuming but fun.
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Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
I love big, mean and nasty! I'd ride that with your crew any time!
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