Let's put some clear on Dat bish! Ain't a show car but good enough for a jetski that will be going inverted
I dig it dude thing looks sweet!!!Got the clear on. Got a diesel heater going in the garage its about 110 degrees in there. Hopefully will help it cure faster. I didn't go as heavy on top as on the bottom.
Thanks I was undecided on what to do for paint or graphics and randomly came across this video. I'm also into rc planes and immediately wanted to do something inspired by this paint scheme. I'm gonna go with dark gray turf. Pole will remain black. Black fittings and pissers, blue grips. Clear coat is drying up nicely. Should be able to start turf tomorrow.Dude. That paint scheme is awesome. Excellent work!
Thats cool there a bunch of new speed clears out there that dry really fast, mostly for production type operations, but yeah forced dry at 130 degrees and yiou can sand and buff as soon as the surface temp cools down .Yeah I used medium hardener. This is my second time doing a base clear job. And first time doing a multi color pattern.