Superjet cranks but doesn’t fire

My 1994 square nose won’t start after full engine and carb rebuild.Setup is a ported 61x with Mikuni single 44 ada head 36cc domes Coffman pipe lightened fly wheel boyseen reeds. Ski cranks but won’t fire. Things I have checked
Electronics are fine I checked them on another ski good spark new plugs timing is set to stock tick mark. By passed start stop switch and still no fire just cranks fly wheel key is good and bolt is torqued to 70lbs battery fully charged

Carb is feeding fuel I can c it dripping out the Venturi check valve is good and when I try to choke it with my hand I can feel the carb sucking air tired using starting fluid and still no fire used genuine Mikuni rebuild kit

compression is 155 in each hole

Not sure where to go from here


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
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Granbury, TX
If you have compression and fuel, the only thing left is spark. Have you verified spark with the plug grounded to the motor?
Your cdi is toasted. Or a sponge?

Put fuel mix in plug holes. If it fires the cdi made a happy poopy. When it goes back to not firing at all hit up the jetmaniac and get a cdi.

Even if it's not cdi it will be at some point
Got ski running tonight only thing I could think of is it got flooded trying to start it. had about 1 cup of gas in the exhaust flipped the engine over out of the ski and spun it by hand till the no more gas came out the exhaust manifold which was only alil then after it fired I got a ton of black oil out the back which is weird cause when I rebuilt it I washed out the waterbox and long exhaust hoses.
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